On the belief that the factory NAV/ ENTUNE head units are plug and play in the lower trim models - I bought a #100023 head unit from salvage for my C1. ($100) Here is my journey: The Good: The 100023 bolted right in. (Maybe 30 mins) Steering wheel controls retained & working BT streaming retained and working 80% Handsfree retained and working 100% USB port retained and working 100% AM/FM reception retained and tested CD playback retained - untested The Great (new features): HD-radio sounds great !!! Album art displays correctly ! GPS is fun to look at ??? Fuel pricing feature working The "Bad" Solved: ENTUNE APP required Donor VIN # to sync (I have a Blue 2013 according to the app) No voice button for steering controls (low importance) GPS reception needed an antenna (free from salvage) works 100% XM-reception needs Antennea (Xmini-2 ordered from ebay) will update. ??% Unsolved: ***Fuel consunption screen and energy use display show no use/ does nothing (will follow Priuschat discussions and update) ?% ***Car dimmer HAS NO control of screen brightness. (Headlights on/off will lower the brightness but no granular control) 50% **** backup camerafollowing discussions - it looks hard) *Do the Maps update: unknown. ??% *Traffic updates: No info for your area 0% Adding a "voice" command button to steering controls looks expensive ($100+) The Ugly: Screen has a wierd color tint. I thought it was just my unit but pictures from other sellers on Ebay have the same "purplish" cast. MP3 playback order is wierd No hangup button on the radio, need to use steering contol Bluetooth audio is out of sync by several seconds with YouTube app. (Though the Zoomapp video works works fine) the wise man regards the reason for all his actions, but not the results. - Seneca 63 A. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Detailed issues: Dimmer switch, GPS lockout and fuel consumption (need a connection/pins that will need to be added) Purple Tint to screen Bluetooth sound delay in youtube MP3 plat list - out of order Are the GPS maps updated ??? Would newer head work/be better A few details: 1) I got the GPS antenna with the head unit. 2) I got the 3-way jumper cable from the head unit to the bottom unit / And I was carefully to plug the USB in to the bottom unit (thank you) Order parts: XMICRO-2 ($20-30 Ebay) to use the XM-radio "no signal check antenna" BACKUP CAMERA (wiring harness, camera, install news to pins?) Fyi : The 4 bolts: you need a 10mm socket with an extension or a (magnetic) Philip's head screwdriver ENUTUNE Data Link : You will NEED the VIN number of a donor c3/c4 to register the Entune App. I will report back. Rob Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I am gonna try this in our 2013 C 1, just picked up a used oem 100023 Navi from a wrecked 2012 C off of ebay, $145, comes with 6 month warranty. Wish me luck!
Thx Rob, did you try hooking up the wiring to get the energy info to the Navi display? From what I read it sounds daunting
Nope, I got busy at work and it slipped down my todo list. The thing that bugs me more is the lack of dimmer control at night. Headlights on = screen unreadable.
If it makes you feel any better, I've been in some brand new $60k cars with similar luminosity balance problems between displays. Heck, I've only been in a few that really got it right across the entire dark-to-light range.
With headlights on: too bright? Too dim? Have a pic ? Surely someone with the Nav has come up with a remedy?
I put a c3 0023 ending unit into my 12 c2 and it's not too dim at night. maybe it's an issue with your radio or your car..
How difficult would it be to add a factory push to talk button on the wheel? Would pins have to be added?