I'm not talking about streaming Bluetooth to the head unit (Bluetooth in). I'm wondering if it is possible to stream Bluetooth OUT from the head unit? Example: passenger wants to listen to Sirius/XM from car's JBL head unit on AirPods. Obviously, the Prius doesn't to this natively, so something aftermarket will be needed, but what and is it even possible? (PLEASE: No insulting the question or suggesting work arounds (e.g. that the passenger use phone and stream XM from there, etc.).
You might be able to tap into the preamp outputs in the back of the deck and connect a switch that would allow you to plug in a set of wired headphones, or an aftermarket bluetooth that plugs into a wired headphones jack. Of course these days everyone has a phone or gaming device that can do that and no need to tap into an antiquated car stereo system.
Sirus/XM can be streamed to the phone using their app and it doesn't cost anything. Download their free app, log in using your account, and the phone becomes a Sirius/XM receiver -- only it's streaming via your phone's data plan rather than receiving the signal via satellite. You can also use this feature when you're in a car that doesn't have a satellite receiver: just connect the phone to the car's stereo via Bluetooth, then stream Sirius/XM on the phone. EDIT: FYI, you're not limited to one device logged in at a time. For instance, you can be driving your car listening to Sirius/XM via the satellite receiver, and your passenger can be logged on via the app listening to a different Sirius/XM station on earbuds.