Anyone doing a pandemic beard? I hate shaving and will take any excuse not to shave.....not that the pandemic is a real reason, other than I wear a mask and no one can see the beard. I actually quickly grow a thick and heavy beard, so I only go a week or a week and a few days between shaves. About the only plus I have found for the pandemic....
no beard, but i am definitely shaving less. every 3-5 days vs every day or every other. my beard is all gray now, so it doesn't look as heavy as it used to. not sure why, since my routine hasn't been changed by covid. i am amazed at how many covid beards there are though
One of our neighbours got into a COVID hairdo, basically letting it grow longer and longer. I stuck with him for a while, but finally snapped, back to crew cut.
I bought a Wahl clipper set and had my wife cut my hair. She was not a fan so when the barber shops opened up, back to the adjustable chair it was . She was a nervous wreck cutting my hair anyway.
My wife cuts my hair, think it’s wahl...., I’m forgetting. I haven’t darkened a barber shop door sill in, must be over 45 years. crew cuts are pretty easy, with the attachments. I practically fall asleep, a low stress client lol.
I'm definitely shaving less. Infrequently enough to be discovering just how much of my beard has turned white. Curiously, the hair on my scalp has no white whatsoever, to a considerably greater age than my female relatives and friends. But then, none of them have invisible scalp hairs in anywhere near the volume I now have.
my neighbor wu has let has hair grow since the start. he keeps saying it is because the barbershops are closed, but i'm sure he must own a pair of scissors
I lasted two months before I had to get the Wahl set. Just couldn't stand hair around my ears. Thankfully there are solutions to that problem and the clipper set has paid for itself many times over between me and my son.
I hate shaving, so I have had a full beard most of my adult life. Yeah, I spend far less time and mind on my appearance since the pandemic started, but I was never keen on fashion even before the pandemic. If my wife does not tell me to change, I wear the same jeans and T-shirt everywhere. lol I have noticed many of my female colleagues now have very long hair on our zoom meeting. Me, I get my haircut at home every two months. This has been a routine for many years now, so no change there.
When my dad first bought the hair clippers in the 60's, my brother and I were his guinea pigs. He offered to cut my uncles hair. After he was finished my uncle looked in the mirror and commented that he looked like a "picked chicken". When I was in junior high I had been given haircut money which I spent. I was afraid that my dad would cut my hair for me so I asked my sister if she would cut it. She was doing OK when the clippers started making a loud buzzing sound. She turned them off, removed the depth attachment, used a brush to clean the cutting head and applied a drop of oil. She forgot to reattach the depth gadget and proceeded to go up the back of my head. I sported a reverse mohawk for the next month. It was the last time that I spent my haircut money on anything but a haircut. My wife has gotten much better over the last year cutting my hair. Being in covid jail, no one could see her work anyway and now, after a year of practice, she is pretty good at it. The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about 2 weeks.
I told my wife the exact same thing. She wasn't buying it though, given I still went to work during the pandemic and lead ~ 40 people. Happy to pay the fee every 6 weeks for domestic bliss .
I am also doing The Wahl thing. Will probably not go back to Barbershops as the cost savings and convenience of cutting your own hair at home is nice.
We've done the Wahl thing since 2001 when we moved to Honduras. Not that they don't have barbers there; it was just easier. My wife does a great job. And I made it easier several years ago when I told her to just buzz it. It's not super short; she just uses the 1/4" attachment. It takes her longer to trim my ears and eyebrows than the head. I trim my own goatee and mustache. As for the shaving question that started this whole thing, no change to my pattern of work or shaving. I shave every day other than usually skipping Saturday. Skipping is a pain since it's harder to shave the longer the whiskers get.
In my younger days, the hair reached to middle of my back when wet, and the only issue I have with it getting long now is that hats don't fit as well. With less hair shading my scalp from the sun, I need the hat. So I manage to get myself a hair cut twice from the start of this. My father would use clippers on us as kids. Until he nicked my ear with them. As for facial hair, I've always been lax about shaving. Just have gotten more so. When hairs start poking the sensitive at the corner of the mouth is my limit. skin Have done the goatee, but found keeping it trimmed more hassle than shaving.
Out here, barbershops and hair salons reopened in early June last year, with restrictions and reduced capacities and no waiting allowed inside. I returned to my usual person (she has a loyal clientele, many have followed her whenever she changes shops) at the end of June.
Fashion trendsetter that I am, I had the beard long before. But for a while I did alter it to more of a chin curtain, so it wouldn't mess up the seal of a mask.
My 12-year-old Norelco razor died. I bought a new one, decided to shave off my two-week growth with the new Norelco triple-header -- I bought a cheap $35 model. It was an amazing shave, no pulling, grabbing or pain -- which was what I was experiencing before the razor died. Guess that "genuine" set of Norelco replacement cutters I bought on Amazon for five USA dollar cheaper than available at the local drugstore was fake. No more online Norelco cutter purchases. Of course, a set of new REAL cutters is $30 USD. Buying the entire new razor (cutters included) was $35.