My Pruis is getting high on mileage, and I already have the money to buy a new-used car. Though I just found out that I could replace hybrid battery myself with a $2000-something one from Exclively Hybrid. Would it be worthwhile to plan to replace the battery myself once it goes bad? It's 2009 Prius and has been very reliable since I got it 120,000 miles. The hybrid battery is currently okay. It'll drain living in Colorado Springs with a difference in elevation of 500ft from one side of the city to the other, but in flat terrain, it still seems solid. Currently, it gets 38mpg, and the engine seems to be working good and I'm pretty sure it's not burning oil. So what's your opinion for eventually paying for this repair even though it'll cost more than the car's worth?
Don't buy their refurbished battery for that price. If its the new module price, $2k is ok for turnkey installation.
There is another company at that sells a new battery kit for $1600 with free shipping and doesn't ask for the core back. The person who runs new Prius Batteries is a regular participant in this forum, @2k1Toaster . And guess what, he is here in the Springs. Maybe he would give you a deal if you pick it up from him. But first question: are you sure your battery is at or near failing? You could get an OBDII bluetooth enabled adapter (that fits into the diagnostic port under your dashboard) and run a battery check using the Dr Prius App. Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Also, there is a hybrid specific repair shop in the Springs, Springs Hybrid Automotive on Platte. I don't have any experience with them, so I can't give an opinion on them. As far as whether it is worth paying, that depend on many factors. Would you like a newer vehicle or do you love this one? Do you like to do DIY maintenance and some repairs on an old car? Etc.
Thanks for the tips! Yeah, currently I don't have any reason to believe the battery's about to fail, other than the high mileage. It would be amazing if it outlasts the transmission or engine, but I just want to have a plan in place if starts to go soon. I'll be sure to get one of those OBD2 readers! That battery you linked will probably be the one I get! It's got half the warranty of the one from Exclusively Hybrid, but my repair budget will be happy to put in a battery that's worth a little less than the value of the car, especially if I could pick it up here in the Springs! Yeah, I would say I like simple-ish DIY repairs and maintenance. It does get old when repairs keep popping up like wack-a-mole, like on my last car. But since it's been so reliable I have enjoyed owning this Prius. My only complaint is the clearance, my scrape guard is half gone, lol. But if I have the option to extend the battery life I just may buy a simple lift kit that can stretch out an extra inch and a half of clearance.
The battery shown in the photos at their website is NOT a new Toyota battery. It has orange cylindrical cells inside. If they're not a 2k1 reseller, then it's likely, but not necessarily, a lower quality assembly. For the price they're asking, you could purchase a Toyota OEM replacement. Not to mention they require a $500 core fee in addition to the $1990 battery cost. They mention it is a higher capacity battery. Would be interesting to see how it tests.... Obviously, most website visitors won't notice, but they show a Gen3 battery as a Gen 2 and a Gen 2 as a Gen3. Then they show a Gen 3 HV battery under both Gen 2 and Gen 3 selections. And then show a Gen 2 Prius battery when you try to look at the Camry battery. I didn't even look at any others. If they don't care enough to have the website correct, which is going to be seen by most customers, well..................
Honestly, if the battery still performs adequately for you, I would just continue to drive with it. I haven't really heard of many preemptive battery swaps...probably due to the cost. Good to have a plan you mentioned.
As another option, a battery that is aged, but not showing symptoms of failure, is often a good candidate for 'rejuvenation' using a system like the Prolong Charger/Discharger. There are several members who use it and have had very positive results.