Guys im sitting in my garage trying to get this bolt to go in, its the bolts behind the sliding pins, it’s like they’re not even the sane size anymore and won’t screw in, any help would be amazing. Nutzandboltz video seemed so easy but i feel like im in over my head, don’t know why these bolts aren’t screwing in?
i got the top one to go in by moving it a little bit but the bottom is not going in it just keeps on screwing and not tightening
Your caliper is probably not aligned properly with the sliding pin. Take the sliding pin out, inspect the threads, and try screwing the bolt directly into the pin.
Its not aligning right for some reason, excuse my nubeiness, but what’s a thread? I did lube the sliding pins, how would i screw the bolt into the pin? Because it has to go through the caliper
Ok i screwed the bolt into the sliding pins after i took the caliper and hung it up again with a bunggee and they’re screwing in, i just cant get the calpier to align
Just takes some patience and finessing. Get it close ... get the bolt started into the pin on one side ... leave it fairly loose ... get the other bolt started in the other pin, wiggling the caliper around until it gets a clean start. You can also push the pin inward so there's a gap between it and the caliper, easier to see your bolt passing through the caliper and starting in the hole. Wait until both are well started before tightening either one down. This kind of thing becomes second nature after a while, but it's new to everyone once.
Trust me i tried doing exactly what you said but eventually i checked out the piston opening and it wasn’t aligned, once I aligned it the caliper fit on like a glove!
Man i really hope I don’t run into a seized caliper, I don’t even know what it looks like. Haha. I eventually got it the piston wasn’t aligned properly so it finally fit after getting that down
Oh and just to let you guys know the Toyota dealership told me my rear brake pads gad 4mm left and were in the danger zone at 100k miles, well, they were just a little more worn then my new ones so I didn’t change them and just used some brake cleaner, my rotors looked just a little rusty but still almost new! Thought the dealership would be more professional then a small town shop!
With the rears were you careful with piston orientation? It should go back together with the 4 spoke pattern on piston face oriented like an X, and STAY thus, be well seated in that orientation. Raise the rear and check the wheels spin semi freely, to verify all is ok.
"Danger Zone" is not an official Toyota term. Brake pads are good down to 1mm. See attached from 2010 Repair Manual...
Mmm, Toyota says minimum acceptable thickness is 1 mm. But when you’ve got the set of pads out, and they’re 2~3 mm at most, bits coming off the edges, and sorry looking?