Hi I'm considering potentially getting these despite having a reversing camera The rationale is that I'm now parking against walls, towards cars etc.. given that someone stole my catalytic converter. So I figure that it's probably best to get some parking sensors too. You can get OEM ones from Toyota I believe, and you can get after market ones too. Which is better? Also, what's the price difference? Thanks
Getting These? I think you forgot what you were going to post? I don't see it? What is it you're trying to get?
Like curb alarms so you don't park your car too close to the curb? Not sure how that would prevent a cat thief?
Sorry. No. I mean like this: How to Install Cheap Parking Sensors * Easy Car Mods* - YouTube I park close to the wall now, so I'd like my car to beep a lot to show that I'm super duper close to it.
Seems like a solution that is a way bigger hassle than the problem. Preventing cat theft by how you park doesn't help much at all unless you park on really soft soil that makes the floor jack unstable. Alternatively, installing a cheap motion detector alarm would work, same with a cat shield.
It's what West Yorkshire police recommend tbh Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Advice | West Yorkshire Police I've already got that too
Yea the cops in my town say the same dumb things... They're still mostly wrong. That list from your cops reads like someone who has never looked under a car before. Why would they say the cat is in the front of the car? It's not! That's same thing cops said in my town. Thieves very rarely jack the car up from the front, almost always from the side.
Depends on how soft the soil is and how big the board is. And if you're a thief who's trying to get something done in less than 60 seconds carrying a big chunk of board around is going to slow you down. This is about thieves cherry picking the easiest targets and your Prius not being as easy to thieve as others.
I have a set of $20 eBay parking sensors I installed years ago and surprisingly they are still working. I have the backup camera as well.