I recently acquired a 2012 Prius C with a ton of miles and crappy rusty steel wheels. I'd like to spruce it up on a budget and would like a set of the factory alloy wheels the car had as an optional extra. Anybody have a set in/near the Chicago or Rockford area? I'll travel further for a good deal as well... I do go down to the St. Louis area usually once a month or so. Don't need to have tires on them or if they do that's fine, too. Thanks!
Have you tried a salvage yard near you ? Many of them have a computer network where they can search for things like that at other yards.
I've checked on car-part but unfortunately near me they are either scuffed up something awful or rediculously expensive for stock wheels for an almost 10 year old car.
Salvage yards have their own network that isn't open to the public. Or at least it didn't used to be.
Not sure how to find the part number but they'll look like the wheels in this picture from wikipedia!
That's not too bad. I'll have to see where and when I could make a trip out that way... That's like 6 hours away from me I think.