Looking for some window visors for my Prius. Is Wells a better brand or AVS (AutoVent Shade)? Thanks! iPhone ?
I like my WellVisors very much. Good build quality, very good 3M adhesive, and they have a very good installation video on their website. Be sure to follow the directions scrupulously to get a good result. Also: good customer service. My dog managed to knock one of the rear ones off; I ordered a new set to replace (just the one), and it was slightly different in profile (it did fit tho). I emailed them and they sent just the one rear one, no charge, free ship.
I love weather tech as a brand but not a fan of their visor design. Don’t like that hooded/ bender plastic look iPhone ?
I’m just worried the clips light warp the rubber of the seals overtime? And installation looks difficult! Haha iPhone ?
I might be in the market soon -- can you explain more about the look you are referring to? At this early point in my market research, they all kinda look the same.
These are not from the Prius but it gets the point across. The first is weather tech (it’s more bender/hooded) while the bottom is AVS (more flat look). I guess it’s all preferences iPhone ?
"I guess it’s all preferences " And neither one of those brands is EVEN ON A PRIUS, so how would you know?
Cant find any weather tech ones on a 3rd Gen Prius and the one image I did find is super dark. Here are both WT and AVS on 3rd Gen Prius. The top is WT. you see the rear Windows? It’s fold up. Don’t like that look. iPhone ?
I got the idea. Different profile. Plus, the AVS are pasted on top of the window/door whereas WT are inside the window frame.
On the WellVisors, the two little metal clips are just a safety feature, and barely even touch the rubber door seal; the 3M double-sided adhesive is what does 90% of the work. The visors also are attached to the outside of the door frame, where there is plenty of surface area for attachment. The job is only difficult for the dim of wit...
That's really the chocolate / vanilla decision: whether you think the windows look better as originally framed with the B-pillar to the roof line or whether you think the windows look better with the shade as the top of the B-pillar (appearance wise)
Problem with Well visor is the plastic fade as it aged. Mine turned from a shiny smoke tinted plastic to matte black that you can barely see out of. My 2006 Honda Accord's visors from WeatherTech are still clear as day (Installed back in 2008 and now has 280k miles). You do get what you paid for.
I've had the WeatherTech in-channel models on two of my vehicles and have been very happy with them. The fit and quality of them is excellent. It certainly is a subjective thing though: I don't like the look of the AVS at all in the pics above, but clearly some do. To me, the stick-on style look like a hokey afterthought. The in-channel type look like they were disigned to fit the vehicle. (IMHO) @Fitcious , I see what you're saying about the WT rears bowing out. I never had them on the rear windows, I always just went with the fronts.
I think the visors aren’t meant to cover sunlight but more for allowing air to come in when you open a little window without water coming in when it’s raining. Also some ppl want it for the look too. I’m in both camps iPhone ?
I think you asking whats the window tint percentage equivalent ? Will vary between brand just like regular window tint. Eyeballing probably 35 - 5%?%? no way to be sure unless to use a tint measure. I have seen eBay/generic ones that are really blacked out and some that are transparent. And name brand like weather tech doesn't seem to publish it.
I can't speak to how others use them, but for me it's strictly for when the car is parked. I always put a sun shade in the windshield when parked outdoors, and with the window vents, I can crack the windows a couple inches to allow heat to vent out and not worry about unexpected rain. Having just the front windows open that little bit makes a huge difference in interior temperatures. I rarely drive around with the windows cracked, but haven't noticed that the visors increase or decrease wind noise while driving.