This is the car with 150k miles? Cease rearranging deck chairs on the titanic; get the Exhaust Gas Recirculation and intake cleaned ASAP.
Sorry, I meant to say "reduce CREATION of EGR deposits". I don't expect the oil to remove deposits in the EGR. But yes, I'm planning to do intake and EGR soon. I'll pull the pipe in the next couple hundred miles and more than likely do intake and OCC at the same time. If the pipe is bad I'll do EGR immediately. If not, I might wait a thousand miles or so in order to get a better feel for the car first. I'm still curious about the ESP oil for cars with cleanish EGRs (either fewer miles or already cleaned) as a way to help keep the EGRs clean.
An interesting experiment for someone to try with oil consumption issues - Yamaha makes a product called Ring Free Fuel Additive. I successfully used it several years back to restore cylinder pressure in a dead jet ski. The bottle indicates shock treatment rate is 2oz / gal fuel and can take up to 64 gallons of treated fuel. When i worked on the jet ski I dumped a couple tablespoons full right in the spark plug hole and let it sit for a day. Repeated for a few days and then ran it. Went from 0 psi to 130 psi and that ski still runs great today. It is about $50 for a 32oz bottle so that would be around $200 for treatment but I’d sure be interested to see if it would help. My Prius has 175k miles and hasn’t burned a drop of oil since we got it otherwise I’d try myself.
Care to elaborate on that? Jet ski has pistons and rings, Prius has pistons and rings. Toyota supposedly redesigned the piston and/or rings in 2015 but if the car didn’t burn oil when it was new then some condition has caused it to start at some point in its service life. It is either wore out or mechanically broken, requiring a rebuild, or has some sort of build-up which could possibly be cleaned by a product.
For 2010 through sometime in 2014, Toyota used lower tension piston rings*, which slowly but surely carbon up and clog the oil drain passages. * Which gained them a slight mpg edge, and subsequently is leaving a lot of owners with excessive oil consumption.
theres a thread on here that someone in the land of YouTube put nos in a prius and engine blew. El prius has pistons and rings like other cars.
for an excellent carbon /rust remover, use atf and acetone. in the small engine world of dirt bikes, the first thing we usually try for suspected stuck rings is: 1 disconnect battery 2 remove sparkplugs 3 remove oil plug 4 put piston on BDC (bottom dead center) 5 verify with bore scope 6 fill cylinder with 50/50 mix of atf / (automatic transmission fluid) acetone 7 move piston up/down slightly, to help mixture into rings 8 wait until cylinder is empty 9 verify cylinder empty (bore scope) 10 cycle piston by hand (not e starter) to verify empty cylinder 11 pour one quart of engine oil through, letting it drain completely (to flush atf/acetone) 12 refill with new oil/filter 13 install new plugs and drive until hot 14 repeat 1-10 with as much heat in the entire as possible twice. it's a lot of work, but less work than a ring job. after that, if your ring gaps are not over size, they will normally be 100% free in the ring grooves (piston grooves) and compression (power) will be restored while oil consumption will be reduced. if the ring gaps are excessive there will be no change. if the ring tension had been lost by over heating, there will be no change. if there is no change, you can verify that ring replacement is needed by : 1 do compression test, record numbers 2 add one teaspoon of engine oil to the sparkplug hole 3 do compression test, compare numbers if 3 is greater than 15-20% increase, rings are gone carbon is nasty stuff for tight clearances (rings vs lands) and will get everywhere you don't want it to be.
I have 2 gen 3 prius, both on 240,000... Both have had the piston soak thing done.... I used liquid molly engine flush for the soak and I flush every 3rd oil change.... I don't top up the oil between 10,000 mile oil changes so its doing something Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
i never could fathom (or trust) how this stuff compensates for warn piston rings, some say it unsticks gummed up rings and others say its a short lived victory and shortly after you stop using it the oil burning returns?
It has been stated that the piston rings for the 3rd generation Pruis are weaker, and prone to "gumming up". All those products state they clean the oil gummed up rings and ther rest of the engine. I did an oil changed this past Monday afternoon and used 16 ounces of the BG EPR product and let the engine run for 22 minutes. I did it last oil change (5000 miles ago) also and let it run for 16 minutes. I put in a half a quart to top it off, and the oil level was just below half on the dipstick when I changed it. I did drive for 3.5 hours at 70mph, but the rest of the time it was 65mph or below. I don't think I used any less oil, or more. I'm going to try to keep my average driving and see how much oil I need to put it before the next oil change. And in 5000 miles I'll change the oil again and put in AT-205 Reseal. And see if that does anything.
Right, so it wouldn't fix worn rings or cylinder walls. But it should loosen gummed up rings. If youe rings weren't so gummed up that wear started, then these products might "fix" oil consumption. Then you need to prevent re-gumming though more regular oil changes, better oil, reduced blow-by, regular oil flushes, or a combination of all these. ...I think... Before my next oil change I'm using 44k in the gas tank and then EPR. I'm also installing an OCC and will use Pennzoil Platinum. I've had my car such a short time that I don't know if it consumes oil...and I don't intend to find out. 5,000 mile changes for me
I use Mobil 1, or Castrol, both Synthetic. I'll be hitting 230,000 miles tomorrow. I'm not really worried about burning oil. I don't drive fast, and 1-1.5 quarts every 10,000 miles is not a big deal to me. If that epr stuff helps, good. If not, it's okay.
On 1 car I started at 140,000 but I had no issues beforehand and the other 200,000 which burned about a liter every 4-5000.... Both cars don't need toping up between services but the level will drop about half way between min and max. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Should have said I use fully synthetic oil of any brand I can get cheaply enough providing it meets the right specs Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.