Still waiting for this message to appear: Is it actually based on the date in the car, a sensor in the fuel tank or simply "when was the last time the fuel door was opened"? Cause if it is the latter, that's not a fool-proof system. It's been just over a year since I last refuelled and I have 1/2 a tank left. I did open the fuel door once in the last year by accident when I was fumbling for the "charge timer" button.
Interesting! Historically (pre-COVID19) I’ve gone to the gas station once every 2-3 months, each time putting in 2-3 gallons, to avoid the gas getting too stale in the tank. Ironically, I’ve actually used half-again to double the amount of gas in the COVID-19 year (years?!): we get so restless roosting in the house that we tend to take a joy ride around the picturesque South and West — most such routes taking a little more than can fit in a single charge.
Humm, Are you going to wait for the notice to appear to satisfy our curiosity or refresh the stale gas to prevent potential damage?
To fuel or not to fuel. THAT is the question. What a dilemma!! Seriously, it would be nice to know what resets the timer. I'll probably never know the answer from experience since my record is just over six months.
If you take them at their word, it would involve keeping track of cumulative gallons added over a sliding 12-month period. It wouldn't matter the quantity left in your tank or opening the fuel door. Assuming your last fill-up was over 12 months ago, I'd keep watching for the message.
I finally got the "please refuel" message this week after not having refueled since Oct 2019. I was down to one/eighth of a tank or so. The message came up every time I started the car, but missed it when not looking at the MID when putting it in gear. Put 3 gallons in, not quite up to half a tank, and that seems to have satisfied the 5.3 gal per 12 month computer, since the message went off.
Thanks for the report. So safe to conclude the computer is not that precise. The mandatory refuel is more like 3 gallons in 18 months. I am never going to achieve that frugality with my driving if and when I get Prius Prime again. Maybe if I get Rav4 Prime with a longer EV range, just maybe.
Well I was gonna wait for the message to satisfy my curiosity but it seems @Buzzhead has solved it; the message comes up at 18 months rather than 12.