Oh heck yeah Ed the seat in my 40 series camry hybrid is horrible, like sitting on a timber crate! prius gen2 is very comfortable to sit in but lowest position is still a little high for me, gen3 prius is a little firm on the backside! but at least can pump it down low and has adjustable lumber support Only thing I like more about the camry it goes quite well after driving prius Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
We're off topic here, but.. Yeah I read people hating the gen2 seats, they are great for me and i really struggle to get comfortable in cars, i can sit in gen2 all day they seem to have heaps of cushion in the bottom .. just can't pump them down as low as you can in the newer cars. Wonder if left and right hand drive cars have the same seats Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I've had this same issue on my 2007 prius, with 100,000 miles on it. I drained and replaced the fluid about 6 months ago, 1) because it had never been replaced and 2) to see how much was still in there. I'd say ~3.9 quarts came out. About that much went in as well, at which point it started overflowing. I just checked the level about a week ago (again, after about six months since the change, the same few drops leaking every night that you describe). I could feel it but wasn't quite sure it was "full," so I tried topping it off. Poured about 3 ounces in, most of which spilled over. So at this point, I'm also no longer concerned, I'll check it every six months or so but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Given how old the car is, if it lasts me another couple years with no major repairs, it's worth it.