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Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Sam Stone, Mar 29, 2021.

  1. Sam Stone

    Sam Stone Member

    Aug 19, 2019
    2006 Prius
    Being old can really suck. Being old, poor, and not knowing anything about auto repairs, especially Prius, can be more stressful than I like to think about. That's exactly why it's extremely important that I publicly want to thank and refer Matt with Texas Hybrids for the extraordinary effort he has put into keeping my family afloat. I've read many comments regarding dealers and specialty repair shops that mentioned the unnecessary and sometimes bordering on unethical pricing in addition to a limited trust factor. Certainly there are honorable people in all industries but it only takes a few bad apples.... Those few bad references meant I was quite hesitant to go to a "company". Admittedly, I had become overly protective of every dollar that came and went through my wallet. I am beyond happy and proud to come back here to say I was wrong about at least one of those scary businesses. I think it is imperative, rather than to just write an advertisement for Matt, it would be more appropriate to offer him as an example for others. Many people jumped in and offered great advice when I needed it most, but the testament here is that the best referral was silent. In other words, although he was aware I was an idiot for not reaching out to him, he waited for me to make the decision on my own and didn't "pressure" me by contacting me first.

    To make this shorter, let me leave you with this: if you know Matt, give him a pat on the back. If you need him, give him a call or send a note through the forum. If you are a Prius professional, try to be like him. Prius Chat should be so lucky as to have a system-wide network like him
  2. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius

    He took care of me too. Going on my 3rd year of his rebuilt combo. Wow time fly's.....

    I send everyone to him.
    Raytheeagle likes this.