Hello friends, I've noticed some liquid on the ground at the front of my car today in two separate parking spots. The first was noticed after a day of being parked at work (may have used the AC in the morning with the heater) and the second was noticed on the ground after some time of being parked at home (no AC used). There's no noticeable smell and it is very watery. It seems to be dripping onto the pan just behind the bumper which recently detached and is hanging down, which could mean this isn't a new leak and I'm only just noticing it. I checked and it looked like the radiator is a bit wet at the bottom but I couldn't really tell as it was dark out. It seems to be on the left hand side. Are there any common issues with the gen 2 with leaks in this area? Hoping it's not a major hassle to fix. Any advice with this would absolutely be appreciated. Thanks so much. Cheers.
That's the wrong place for the air conditioner to dribble condensation. Does it look kind of pink or does it dry pink? (Assuming you're using the correct engine coolant.) Either way, check the radiator level. Sounds like you have a leak.
Get a flash light and look at the front of the engine on the passenger side. Look at the body panels down there for red specks or green specks which is a leaking engine water pump. There’s a belt that turns the water pump. Very very common. This can be confirmed by taking the black plastic cover off the top of the rad under there is the rad cap, open it up and see if the rad is empty. Should be filled right to the lip. If it’s empty in there you need a water pump.