Hi all, Strange issue with my OBD2 that I've replicated with two adapters, one of which has been used on other Prius just fine. When I connect it and start the car I immediately get a red triangle and "problem". After a few seconds I get relays clicking in the back like the battery is "starting up" again and then I get another beep and flashing gear selectors as well as a fan in the engine bay starting up. It's a very odd problem that I haven't been able to find having happened to anyone else, does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you.
What does the 12v measure at the jump points under the hood, and again in the rear at the 12v battery? I've experienced a less expensive ($1) OBD2 adapter failing, and screwing up the canbus is a very bad way, best to check and test. Can you procure a mini-vci cable and load techstream on a laptop?
Haven't had the chance to measure the 12v yet, but this behaviour occurred with my mini vci + techstream quite a few times. It's only not done it maybe 3/4 times, but when it didn't work it wouldn't let me pull codes, only view live data from the hybrid system tab.
I’m having the same issue! Was there a resolution to your problem?? I’m attempting to smog the car and can’t because every time they hook up the smog equipment it goes haywire just as you described.
Sadly no, I was able to get it to intermittently work a couple of times (with no obvious actions taken to fix) but now just happens every time. Sorry I can't help
Did you check or replace the 12v battery? I’ll keep you updated if I find a solution! I’m sorry you haven’t found a solution!
So I’ve officially smogged my car today! Thank god! I took it to my mechanic and he noticed that two pins in the OBD port were loose. He tightened them up and tried the Techstream and all the computer showed up properly. I then took it the third smog place and they were able to connect and run through the whole test with no issues! Good for another 2 years!
He said that the terminal just need their tension reset because they are spring loaded. So he got a small screw driver and pushed on them to tighten them up and apparently that did the trick! So thankful for him! Didn’t charge me either so this weekend I’ll be dropping off a thank you card and some cash so he can treat himself to lunch or anything else!
Usually I remove each female terminal (one at a time) from the connector. (there is a little plastic finger that locks the terminal in place- you have to it push to one side from the front in order to release the terminal) . There are little metal "fingers" inside the terminal that are supposed to grab the male terminal when you plug it in. I use a small pick or a pin to GENTLY push on the back of those fingers to bend them inwards. It's very easy to damage things if not careful. Put the terminal back in place if it now fits snug on a male terminal and repeat as needed on the others Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Didn't expect to see any more replies to this. Glad to hear that your issue is fixed, I'll have to give it a go on mine and hopefully it will solve my woes.
Can you tell us which shop this is in Sacramento, as many are on the lookout for recommended mechanics in that area.