Hey! Well at the point of a transaxle swap: What lead up to this: - Leaking Driver Side Transaxle seal - Drained the Transaxle Fluid and found water mixture inside (I've owned the prius for 2 years, never had issues) - Flush fluid out, add new fluid, Drove like normal. - 2 weeks later, hear a clunking kind of from the transaxle when put into drive - Go to flush the new fluid again to clean out the past fluid, to discovered it is mixed with water again. - Trying to find the source of water mixture, its NOT my radiator/antifreeze fluid from the engine or Inverter/transaxle (Someone mentioned I may have a cracked housing on the transaxle which is rare, but no where else the water would be coming from. - Picked up a trasnaxle for 100$ Now, to change out I need some help/guidance. GEN 3 Gen 3 transaxle failure/fix at 193,000 | PriusChat GEN 2 https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2018/08/151208_Prius_2nd_Gen_-_Transmission_Removal.pdf I've followed instructions gotten to the point where I've removed axles, everything around the transaxle and ready to lower. My question, for GEN 2 I saw they dropped the crossmember under the engine, DO I NEED TO DO THIS FOR GEN 3? Anybody that has done this swap please let me know. I don't want to drop it if I don't have to, but it is a tight fit to lower it out. Please HELP! I've done plenty of civic engine swaps but just changing the transaxle of the prius is a little of a pint to drop under right now. Thanks in advance for everybody's help!
I’ve no experience, but anyhoo: think I’d disconnect and pull the engine, then the transaxle, all through the top.