The crime rate where I live in extremely extremely low. Montgomeryville, PA Crime Rates & Map I will eventually be moving to the L.A. area(Glendale or Temple City). Those areas are safe by L.A. standards, but still have far far higher crime rates than here. Do you think installing a cat shield and enrolling in Toyota Safety Connect for my 2011 Prius 4 will reduce my insurance rate in Los Angeles? Does anyone have experience in dealing with your insurance company to lower your insurance rate with a cat shield and or Toyota Safety Connect?
Usually you can ask the insurance company what the difference in price would be and see if the product qualifies for a discount. I think garaged or not garaged also affects the pricing. BTW-. We live on the border with Temple City. (Not trying to sway you just saying). moto g(7) power ?
Always good to temporarily boost your home/renters & auto insurance when moving to a new place. Then once you get settled in and have a better sense of where you're living and what's at risk and what's not you can adjust insurance accordingly.
I’m also from temple city! To answer your question, I remember asking my insurance (AAA) and they said they don’t have a code in their system for safety connect or a cat shield so no discounts iPhone ?