My 2019 Limited, on occasion, about five minutes after it starts, has a female voice that loudly (very loudly) shouts, “Communications module activation complete.” The dealership says they’ve never heard of such a thing. But boy, it’s loud. Any clues? I just had a door speaker replaced under warranty, and I wonder if that’s what happened to it.
It has to do with the Safety Connect service. But that's about all I know. The dealer is supposed to know. I would insist that they find out if the car is still under warranty.
See Toyota bulletin T-SB-0019-19, “Telematics Data Communication Module (DCM) Activation Procedure Supplement” (PDF), February 15, 2019. The voice prompt is mentioned on page 5. You might be able to do the remaining steps in the procedure (E–L, except K, which doesn’t apply to Prius cars) yourself, but I’d recommend returning to the dealer.
Thank you very much. This is interesting... I will print this PDF and take it to the dealer when it’s time for my next service. The car is under warranty. Let’s see what they can do. (With the various issues I’m having, I’m inclined to believe this car has way too many gizmos. But I guess they all do these days.)