Our 2008 Prius died. The key fob will not work either. We think the car died and then my son changed batteries out in the fob and now nothing works. When we go to jump the car it honks the moment we start charging. Help??
Would anyone have any ideas on how we could get the car working without getting it towed and dropping hundreds on a fix we could have done ourselves?
I have dealt with this same exact scenario. Use the manual key to open the door if it's locked. Connect your jump. The horn is blowing due to the car alarm system. Slide the key fob into the slot next to the steering wheel. The car should recognize the FOB and the alarm should stop. This is assuming that you are jumping from the front underhood jump point due to the trunk being closed. The trunk can be opened, but requires crawling into the back and activating a small lever located in the lower locking mechanism. If you're able to do that, then you could just remove the battery and charge it outside the car. Remember, this battery should be charged 4 amps max, so it takes several hours to fully charge.
Your owners manual explains what is happening. Look for the section titled "Theft Deterrent System". I have a 2005 manual in my hand and that section is on page 45. Not sure if 2008 is the same. The alarm will sound for 1 minute after applying the jump power, then reset.
This worked!!! Thanks so much for tour help! Probably saved us $300 since we didn’t have to take it in to a mechanic!