One of the things I like, and enjoy, about the Prime is the amount of statistical information that is available on how the car performs & functions. However, I was wondering if there is a way, perhaps via USB or an app, to download the info and open it all in a spreadsheet. It's nice to have all those stats, etc., but have to say it's a pain in the butt to sit in my car and flip/scroll/move through the various readouts. Maybe I'm missing something, but it would be great to have the ability to download that info.
That would be sweet. I haven't checked, but it might be possible in Techstream, but I think that would be more hassle than just taking pictures of the screens with my phone and putting that data into my spreadsheet.
They do, but it's still good for seeing trends. And there's really no convenient way to keep track of miles/kWh other than the eco screen.
Yeah, wish there was an easy way to download the data. I have not seen anyone mentioning the data being available via Techstream. But as Jerry commented, taking photos and entering the data into the spreadsheet worked for me. Here is an example of data I transferred manually from Eco Diary into the spreadsheet.
Have to say I'm really surprised that no one out in the tech/programming world hasn't come up with a way to do this. Man, I give you credit for taking photo of the read-outs and then manually setting up your own spreadsheet. I, unfortunately, have neither the time nor the patience for something like that. Perhaps this is a proprietary issue and Toyota is protecting it's intellectual assets by not allow third parties to access the info via their system.
It's not that big of a deal. I do it every time I get gas, which was just two times last year. It's more work on road trips, though. But then I just take the pictures on the trip and then enter them when I get home. Just takes a couple minutes.
Just a reminder, if there was a way to download, hackers would be doing so. Worse, they would be trying to upload.
Good point, but there seems to be some vulnerability already with some of the high-end computerized vehicles.