Your color looks to be the same color as mine. It is a very common color and very easy to find the parts you need at the junk yard. In the past, my sienna was hit by a deer. The body shop called the adjuster several times to show damage not visible and got more money. Most parts were obtained from the junk yard same color (oem ) With the money that was saved other repairs were done. It was one step away from being totaled. I am a junk yard fan. I can't tell you how many times I was able to fix cars cheaply via the junk yard.
Not sure how to help other than what has been above. From the first photo # 38, the accident appears low speed. If the bumper reinforcement beam took all the damage and no bending of the vehicle's structure where that beam attached, I would be inclined to fix the car. Now the question is is that beam what the shop and insurance are discussing as certified. The question for you is is that non-certified part failed in a second collision, can you live with that risk. [Or with the fun of the lawsuit you will be filing ] $1400 seems about right for the repair. If the shop is a trusted shop you two areas of concern may be negated. I'd say those concerns could be color match and bumper cover alignment and panel gaps. So, I would repair, get into my rental car (paid by other parties insurance) and shop for that new car you mentioned with your old car trade in ready in a week. Or just keep this car, as it has new tires and is dependable I assume. (Parts = Rubber bumper cover, metal bumper reinforcement, stryo-foam bumper insert misc retainers - guess $500) (Labor = Measure frame, bumper removal install, paint prep, paint color match, paint two stage, polish - guess 7 hours.) Good luck with your decision. This tread seems to have offered much insight for the OP to consider.
My Prius accident resulted in far more damage and no parts were required to be removed. I also drove it to two independent body shops before the insurer's adjuster surveyed the damage. I was never under any obligation to have the work done at any of those shops. In addition, even if those shops removed parts to check for additional damage I would think that is part of their 'free quote' in competing for the business. It would be pretty shady for a body shop providing a quote to use part removal as a way to lock down business. I'll let others comment on this as I have limited experience in this regard. Did you sign anything authorizing the part removal? Did they inform you of a charge prior to removal? If none of these apply, I don't see why you can't drive the car out of there the same way it arrived without incurring any fees. As far as the damage is concerned, I still can't tell from the photos how much damage occurred to the front. See if you can find any better photos of the damage to the metal bar. The rear damage appears trivial.. I wouldn't even replace that rear bumper if it is soundly attached.
Where I live free estimates are given but all three places (One dealer and two reputable body shops) gave the same story and they estimated about $1500 except the dealer because parts and labor were much higher. I was stuck with the initial $1400 check unless I got the bumpers removed to assess further damage. At that point it would be supplemental costs that the insurance company would be paying directly to body shop. They all said that if they dismantle and I decide not to get work done I would have to pay the labor for putting it back together which seems fair to me since they put time into it at that point. I signed a form stating they had permission to receive money from insurer because I was confident I was getting the work done not knowing repairs were going to double. Now it looks like the insurance company changed the original estimate rather than categorizing the changes as supplemental which is to my benefit. I know it looks like a straight forward situation. It would be easier if I didn’t have anxiety and was someone who worked on cars. I do appreciate all the thoughtful comments.
Thank you! If I had someone who was helping me fix car, I would probably go that route. I just don’t have it in me right now to try and search down parts. Appreciate all the feedback I’m getting.
The front metal bar has a huge bend in it. Completely curved inwards. Can’t be seen by the photos that I have.
It is straight forward, in your situation best to go with the body shop. Your anxiety is basically the certified bumper cover. If that is the case, I would speak to the shop and ask why they can't use a salvage OEM Prius bumper cover, the estimate specs certified salvage reinforcement bar. If they can find a silver cover so much the better, less prep work for the shop. Couple photos of my front and rear that I'm working on. Not much under the rear bumper cover, foam pad and the bar is held on by 4 bolts circled in red.
Just looking at the estimate for the bumper cover, shows $112 from Keystone, Milford for the rear but no price for the front, so not sure if the price is for both, which I highly doubt. If that is the price for the rear, I show a rear certified cover for $119 and $160 for the front from TNT. I would ask him the estimate price for the bumper covers separately. TNT is supplier for the rear reinforcement on the estimate. Ok I see where the price for the front bumper is missing in the pic you uploaded. Can you see the price on your estimate?
I thought I saw that the bar was certified. Thank you! Anxiety was initially about certified bumper but really it’s about putting $3200 into this old of a car (How much longer will hybrid battery last?) or take the money (minus what body shop might charge) and drive car while looking for newer car options. Doesn’t a body shop charge for the time it takes searching for these used OEM parts etc. A friend reminded me that the least stressful thing to do is just let them fix the car and forget about the $3200 that could have been. Then start looking for a car before I have more issues with this one.
Is that a 2009? My car has a rectangle shaped styrofoam looking block nothing like what you are showing on the ground. Interesting. edit: I see yours is a 2007. Maybe mine just looked like a block of styrofoam from the angle I was looking at but there were no spaces or holes in it like yours has.
No the estimate is done by the insurance company and does the search for parts, and use the quotes in the estimate. Takes nothing to do a search, just go to and input vehicle, parts you are looking for and zip code. There may be a gentleman who might be interested in the car if I can find his number, lives in Mass. since I can't pm anybody on this forum.
Ok that was the piece of info that was missing for me. I think you might have caught image of estimate before I reposted because some prices weren’t captured on each page. Front bumper cover is listed at $88. Did they stop the private message feature? I tried messaging Wil and I’m thinking it didn’t go through. I’ll check with him on FB. : }
I looked up “certified auto parts”, see it’s a US organization that polices aftermarket part quality. Similar business model to Better Business Bureau? One comment I read, paraphrasing: for purely cosmetic parts, certified auto parts are likely overkill. I’d think the front and rear “fairings” would fall into the cosmetic category. But not the actual aluminum bumpers, in behind.
Thank you for taking the time to share this. I really appreciate the time everyone spent helping me. I’ll find out in the morning whether body shop was able to convince insurance to upgrade to certified bumpers. Assuming there are no surprises, I’m planning on getting everything fixed. Then I can enjoy her for a bit longer and really take my time shopping for the next car. As my faithful followers know it takes me a while to find a car within my price range, originally purchased in CARB states etc. Gen 3 2014-2015 or Gen 4 with higher miles? Pros and cons. Oh boy...we won’t go there just yet. : )
Went to pick up my car today and the bumpers were not satisfactory. Adjuster is coming back tomorrow to evaluate. Body shop should have told me they looked bad before I got there. Oh well...he gave me a loaner until we can reinstate the rental and did manage to fix my warped gas tank door hinge. Body shop told adjuster the bumpers didn’t fit well and he was required to complete the job as is and have me reject the work. He’s not lying because other body shops told me the exact same thing before I made decision. I guess they hope most people don’t care. What a waste of time and resources. Now he has to do the work over again including buying another $50 decal for the rear bumper. Seems insane. Of course I’m thinking this wouldn’t have happened at the dealership but who knows. No point in second guessing myself.
What a hassle, bumpers didn't fit because bumpers weren't certified? Would have been nice to see pics.
If there is ever a next time I will be sure to have the dealer do the auto body work. At least I have OEM bumpers. Are my expectations too high because I'm a ceramic artist? To me the surface should be smooth and look like the original bumper. He said that's how they come from Toyota but I checked online and there is info stating these bumpers often have imperfections that need sanding. I guess I didn't communicate well enough that these mold lines were what was bugging me about the after market bumpers. I have more important things to deal with but is this really how they should look? A car parked next to me has a bumper that looks the same. Just hard to believe.