I can’t quite figure out why sometimes my doors and or the cover to my plug lock when my car is parked in my garage. It doesn’t happen very often but it does occasionally happen.
If you unlock the doors using the handsfree method of touching the door handle and don't actually open the door the system will lock everything after a short while. Not sure this is your problem but it was something I wasn't aware of this until it happened to me. FWIW.
Indeed, or with the remote, radio-dongle key: In short, if you unlock the door, but don’t actually open it, they will re-lock after a minute or thereabouts.
I don’t think I am unlocking or locking the doors. I drive into my garage and get out, then close the door. Sometimes when I come back it is locked and sometimes not. In any case, is locking the doors related to locking the charging door cover? Sometimes I find it locked and sometimes not. The most likely reason for this is somehow, inadvertently, I’m telling the car to do this. I just can’t figure out the mechanism.
You could be touching the SKS senor on the door when closing it, or the fob button is getting pressed in your pocket. I've seen the latter happen with other cars, and why some functions, like panic, require you to hold the button down. Not impossible is the chance of an outside signal causing it, like the garage door opener.
The "outside signal" could be a human being too. Are you married ? I am not as diligent as I should be about locking the doors.......so my wife fixes my mistake occasionally.
If you really want to know, ask the car. Using a Toyota Techstream diagnostic system, look under Body Electrical > Main Body > Utility > Operation History > Door Lock/Unlock. The time-stamped event records, such as “Manual Lock,” “Auto Entry Lock,” “Wireless Lock,” or “Shift Linked Auto Lock,” identify the reason for locking or unlocking the doors.
Well let's see ... I don’ think I touch the outside door handle when I close the door. Does anyone? Nor do I shut the garage door wirelessly once I pull in. I push a button on the wall. I guess the button could get depressed in my pocket but I’ve never set off the panic so you’d think that would even out. Techstream is a subscription service, right? I just tested locking with both the fob and the SKS on the door. When locking the doors neither method locks the charge access door.
If I remove the charger, close the charging door, then push the lock button on the key fob, I usually hear a click in the charging area as well. I’m not sure, but I presume that’s it locking the charging door. That’s kinda-sorta the opposite of the scenario you’re describing, I suppose.
The panic button for the Camry is a hold one; you have to hold it down for a moment before the car starts wailing. I've had something in my pocket hit the door buttons and lock or unlock the them while I was near the car. Never had the panic go off that way.
Panic button triggering in pocket is a regular occurrence for me. I always intend to epoxy that button to prevent it, but somehow it never gets done. Maybe I can just slide a piece of paper between the button and the contact for a fix that can be removed if I sell the car.
It does only happen in jeans. It's because I have a bazillion keys and a wallet in that pocket. Inevitably one corner of a key gets jammed against that button. Usually when I'm doing something like working under the sink with a pipe wrench so I can't just pull the keys out and make it stop right away.
Duct tape. Fixes everything. Or....buy jeans with a watch pocket. THEN your fob will likely go through the wash a time or two. Mine has survived so far.
"Panic button": isn't that the "where the *** did I park the car" button? At least, that is the only use I have ever had for that button.