I've had my 2021 Prius XLE FWD for 17 days and I love it but I've seen so many people's horror stories with things going wrong! On one hand I hear people say these cars are great and have hardly any issues. However, I see so many people having problems. I just hope I made the right choice purchasing mine. Have a lot of problems been fixed since the head gaskets being bad, EGR issues and electrical problems (lighting, random warning lights and so on)? Were the 3rd gens a disaster? what problems from the 3rd generation have continued into the 4th generation and did the 2021 model address any problems from earlier model years? I worry about a lot of things and I thought finally getting a Prius I could have some peace of mind. I have a 2011 Kia Sorento and the quality has just been horrible! I was hoping Toyota could do better but now I just don't know. Thank you for any feedback.
The second generation Prii (2004-2009) were virtually bulletproof (I had a 2004 for 12 years and 288,000 miles), only a small number of recalls and very reliable cars (my HV battery needed replacement at 195,000 miles). They did tend to burn oil starting at about 150,000 miles. The third generation Prii (2010-2015) have had significant engine issues and those are the reports that you are seeing. The Fourth generation Prii have proven (so far) to again be very reliable. You should not worry about your 2021 Prii. Just do regular maintenance and enjoy your car. JeffD
^ What he/she said. Note that on a forum, you will find a higher than normal number of complaints or issues because people tend to use forums to find out solutions to their issues.
I have a 2016 gen 4. There have been a few recalls to wrap some of the wiring with tape but I've had absolutely no issues with it mechanically. It is the most bullet proof car I've ever owned. I used to be very loyal to GM products and for the most part, that's all I've ever owned.
buyers remorse we didn't start finding out about the gen3 fiasco until a few years ago. so ask again around 2023
Remember - people ONLY generally report problems. The 99% of people with Gen 3 who never had a problem never say anything. More relevant is that PRIUS has been at or near the top of various comparisons for reliability (CONSUMER REPORTS and others). The problems you list (EGR, head gaskets) were 1) rare; and 2) from a previous model. But a lot of them were/are used as TAXIs and easily do 500,000+km with no issues. Extensive changes were made for Gen 4 - it's a very different car - so I wouldn't be comparing with Gen 3 or 2. And your PRIUS is going to save you considerably - the brake linings will likely last you the life of the car, and fuel use up to ½ of what an equivalent sized car will use.
Browsing here because there is a good deal on Prius Prime right now. I have almost 200,000 miles on my 2011 Gen 3 (2nd owner since 2014), and it has been very reliable. The only thing I've had problems with are the rear brakes but it's probably more of an issue with the amount of salt that gets put down on the roads where I live.
Congrats! How are you liking silver? I doubt you'll have any issues with the car, and the 2021 Prius is probably the most put together...To me, the Prius is like the "911" of Hybrids, a basic automotive formula honed and refined over a decade of improvements haha!
I disagree with those who say not to worry. My mother was an Olympic caliber worrier and nothing she worried about ever happened. So apparently, worry is a great disaster deterrent. On the other hand, I never worry, and all my Prii have been bullet proof with the exception of a couple easily fixed issues. My Prime will turn over 50,000 miles later today. So far, just regular maintenance.
Bad news: The stats say that if you keep your Prius long enough, it will give you an expensive horror story. Good news: we're talking about a long time. What is your time horizon? I made the bet that I could buy a new one, enjoy it for 8-10 years @20k/yr and have few (if any) problems. I know deep down that if I try for 12-20 years I'm likely to face expensive trouble. I'm 2.9 years into this scheme with no trouble, knock wood.
I don’t agree totally with your math. I had a Prius mk2 from 6 months old ( 2007 ) until I part ex’d it in late 2016 at 152,000 miles. It wasn’t serviced regularly just had oil changes every 20,000 miles and a coolant topup in the summer. During that time I had zero issues. At 152,000 out of my own curiosity I asked the dealer to test the battery pack for consistency (cost me £75). The pack was running at 80% efficiency and there was no issues with the hybrid drivetrain.
Haha so true. My daughter is a world class worrier for some reason. If it were an Olympic event, she would win the gold.
I bought a new 2004 in Nov. 2003, had it also 12 years, 310,000. BULLETPROOF! Needed brakes at 240,000, shocks at 250,000. Nothing else, other than tires and wipers. I bought the 2016 Jan. '16, now have over 100K, so far equally perfect. Not to worry.