Same way you reset the trip meters. Hold down the "Trip" button for a few seconds. I've done it twice. The first time was when I bought the car used. The second was a few months ago by accident. Now my lifetime is stuck at the stupid early gen 4 limit of 199.9 mpg.
Push “trip” until odo mileage displaying then hold “trip” for a few seconds. Mpg for odo. Trip a. Trip b. Current journey. Can be reset independently
I've been watching my overall MPG since I bought the car in 2019. One of my little pleasures is seeing it edge up again each summer, and then as it drops back again with busy driving in fall and into winter, I look ahead to better times. But then in August I made a horrible discovery (like jerrymildred I guess), that if you hold "trip" down a bit too long when flipping between views, it resets!! Wth!?!?! Now, I did write down the MPG (it was 52.6 mpg and 9881 miles), so I should be able to calculate the overall MPG combining that with the current reading, but that's no fun, and anyway if I'm going to calculate anything I might as well enter all the gas info I've been writing down and do it properly in Excel (because I understand the readout on the dashboard is not accurate). This was very disappointing. Why on earth would they allow the ODO MPG reading to be reset? If you want to monitor a trip, you can use either trip A or trip B.
That's what I do. I track a bunch of stuff in my spreadsheet. My average "raw" mpg is just over 126 mpg as of my last fill-up in September. My displayed mpg is still pegged at 199.9 since my accidental reset. Oh, that's easy. Not everyone buys cars new. I certainly didn't want the 52 mpg on the display that the original owner got after 22k miles bogging down my readings. But they absolutely need some sort of "Are you sure?" confirmation for the main ODO reset.
What items is everyone tracking? I track Odo Trip Car reported avg mpg (reset at fuel up) Calculated avg mpg Gas price Cost per mile fuel only. I will have to check to see if trip a has a car reported avg mpg. Anyway it was my first fillup.
If the "lifetime" average mpg was reset on the dash, is there a way to still see it, for example, through Techstream?