Since cleaning the EGR circuit, especially a clogged cooler, takes considerable amount of time and effort, this can be a daunting weekend job if the car is needed for the next Monday. I wonder what happens if the cooler is left for cleaning while the rest of the parts are mounted back, besides the adverse environmental effect? Will it negatively impact car's performance and reliability?
Environmentally, very very little, becuse the engine will probable not run very well and be extremly loud. Exhaust gases are going through it. If you use oven cleaner and a pressure washer it won't take long at all, an hour tops? If you search the internet for a used cooler from junk yards locally and in other stated, you can clean that one before doing the job so you can just swope them out. Then you can clean your dirty one before the next one by using the oven cleaner and pressure washer. If you want to use that oxy stuff, you'll have lot's of time to keep chaning out the water and rinsing and cleaning and rinsing and cleaning the water and mixing.... etc....
Thx. I hope cleaning the cooler will not take long. One YouTuber even stated that he cleaned his cooler with oven cleaner and water hose. I hope mine will be that easy.
Use a pressure washer. You can be done in 15 minutes . Best option and I have tried MANY possible solutions.
Yes, the pressure washer clears it out, and the oven cleaner cleans it out. The oven cleaner eats the carbon build up. Depending on how bad yours is, the pressure washer will clean it out fast. But it won't get the soot on the fins. Water alone won't do that. The oven cleaner will loosen it and eat it and then you can use the pressure washer again to clear it out. When the water is clear, you know you got it all.
Maybe you are a more skilled mechanic than I am, but I'm a newbie at doing jobs this complicated and giving myself about 3-4 full weekends of work to just get the Intake manifold, EGR cooler and valve, and EGR pipe removed cleaned and put back on. I am also changing PCV valve, installing oil catch can, draining and filling inverter and engine coolants, replacing transaxle fluid, and replacing water pump at same time. I suspect it will take be about 4-8 full weekends to do everything I want to do. Doing it while I have another car so I can still get around.
I was a complete newbie when I did mine and it took three days, working slowly and carefully and taking a lot of breaks. If I hadn't had trouble getting some of the hoses off it would have saved me even more time. I think you'll get through it much faster than you think.