just bought a 2018 Prius 3 Touring edition and was shocked to find out there appears to be no way to operate the head unit (screen) with the steering wheel or a remote. Am I missing something? I would like to scroll through my music (from a USB drive) without having to touch the screen or dash (which seems incredibly dangerous). Or will I have to do an aftermarket head-unit to enable this functionality?
report your post and ask the mods to move it to gen4. every prius i have ever driven has steering wheel buttons. if you have buttons, you have some control, but not everything. if they don't work, you need to see a dealer
First off, I didn't know a 2018 "3" (specifically a number "3" not a number "4") is the "4th" gen, not a "3rd" gen. Second off, I don't know why you'd claim my post is "spamming". Third, don't be rude to a new person. Fourth, the mods of this forum allowed my post, so maybe speak to them about your anger on posts about "turd" gen, not me. I'll ask my post get removed.
Hello! I spoke with a friend with a Prius and it turns out I can control the song selection within a particular folder with the steering wheel, but I cannot actually select what folder I choose with the steering wheel. I have to manually still operate with my right hand via control knob or screen the actual artist/album/folder etc. that I choose. I am also (it appears) unable to fast forward/rewind/pause with the steering wheel. Very disappointing and I'll probably end up at some point in near future replacing the head unit with a more functional stereo that allows a remote control.