Hello so I picked up a Gen 3 that is in the same condition that my Gen 2 was in (rod through the block) I did the Gen 2 swap a few years ago and it is still relatively fresh in my mind, but wanted to see what I need to consider with my approach between the two. I see some people using a Gen 4 engine for the 3's my goal is to install a good working engine all while being efficient with my time and money. What if anything can I do to charge the HV pack while the engine in inoperative... Trickle charge at the terminals...? Also I am considering buying a Gen 2 parts car (Red) for a few body panels. If anyone is in need of parts I'd be willing to test, disassemble, and ship. Thanks in advance!
cheap: you can charge individual modules with a hobby charger expensive: you can charge the entire pack at one time with a grid charger
Thanks Bisco! I didn't want to crack the pack open nor do I want to make an expensive purchase for something that will not be used often enough to justify a purchase. The previous owner stated the car has only been sitting a coupe weeks, but I don't believe that to be true! 155K on the vehicle HV indicator is at 1 bar I wanted to charge the pack while I pull the bad engine and source a replacement