A few weeks ago I spilled coffee on my center console buttons for economy and ETC. Immediately afterwards, many warning lights appears. Most of all of my dashboard warning lights now appear. ABS / Traction Control / Break / Engine / Tire Pressure. I cleaned where the coffee spilled and it is completely dry but the problem still exists. Cruise control no longer works as a result as well. I've tried resetting them by disconnecting the battery, connected pins pin 4 and 13 and it made no difference. tried clearing DTC codes through reader and made no difference... Not sure what to do
Probably still need to actually disassemble whatever electronics are below the center console there, try to get clean, dry in some rice, depending on your comfort level with such things, rinse carefully in distilled water then dry in some rice, as you might with a phone. Mileage may vary, no guarantees. Yes, reading the trouble codes will probably give information to focus the effort.
Is there a wiring harness beneath the center console / emergency break area that the coffee has spilled? I've been searching for a wiring diagram on line but haven't had much luck
There doesn't seem to be based on There are connectors to each button. Worst case you shorted something in an ECU.