Hello PC Fam! I am writing to you with a frustrating key FOB situation. More than 1 year ago, I had the original(believe it was the original since I purchased the car used) SKS functionality key FOB that was working great! All functions, unlock, lock, start car while in my pocket, just how it was designed to work! Then maybe 6 months ago I started having problems unlocking the car, would play around with the FOB, take out and reinsert same battery, and eventually it would work. Didn't realize about replacing the battery right away(i know.. i know). Finally I did replace the battery(multiple times) and it would work for a while but then started having the issues again. So I thought the FOB ITSELF was dying, so I ordered another SKS key fob from ikeyless.com(I know.. I was trying to be cheap at the time) and it came in with a different FCC ID# than was originally advertised. I did the chicken dance(thanks PC community) with original dying SKS FOB and new(remanufactured) ikeyless SKS FOB and only got start/stop functionality out of it.. Finally realized that the new key didn't have the Toyota logo on the back(I know another missed cue from me..) and called to tear them a new one.. Their clever answer was that internals are all OEM, just the case itself has been replaced with a new one.. didn't really believe it but oh well.. So to my ACTUAL questions.. 1. Is there a specific FCC ID# needed to be OEM? 2. Is there a way to transplant the receiver/transmitter of the original dying SKS key FOB to one of the new ones? 3.How to save the original dying key FOB so if I do buy a OEM SKS FOB from Toyota(finally) that I can still use it to chicken dance and program a new OEM SKS FOB? 4.I have read up on some people using TECHSTREAM with a mini VCI cable to reprogram I believe, is this the way to go? ORIGINAL DYING SKS FOB IKEYLESS "SKS FOB"