Sold a cleaned egr cooler and the buyer wanted a refund and sent me his old one with different serial number
If you did not show pictures of it with the serial number then you may be out of luck but if you did, you may be able to file a complaint to Ebay and deny the refund. Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Home - Pulstar Spark Plugs
Ouch! Sorry bout that. Let us know if eBay (Paypal?) comes up with a fix. I recently had a skirmish as a buyer from a company in Mass that failed to send me a case gauge that I paid for. (Rhymes with Booters Sox.) eBay was pretty useless but since I paid for the item with Paypal they set things right. Not wild about PP, but they had my back - and you may want to look into using them as a seller. UNFORTUNATELY as the seller you face a bias. Yeah. I know....that word is especially overused these days isn't it? BUT....everybody is always screaming Caveat Emptor...and often with good reason. HOWEVER (comma!) nobody ever thinks about Caveat Venditor. A lot of mom and pop and other small business owners are getting squeezed by these sorts of scams....especially restaurants....which in some states are also getting slimed by the state. The good news is that you at least got back the scumbag's pipe, and so you're only out shipping and labor. Cheap price for a lesson learned. Good Luck! Hope you sell lotsa cleaned pipes.
Update good thing I took a pic of the cooler I sent out with lot number on part and recovered my money.
Do you get to keep his as well? BTW, isn’t the only number on these a part number, not a unique serial no? Anyway, good it’s sorted, definitely a scam, and he got spanked.
All of them will have the vin number of the car they came from at factory. Glad you were able to fix your issue. Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Home - Pulstar Spark Plugs
This is a pic of ours, not seeing our VIN anywhere (JTD...195): Maybe more numbers on another face?? Not sure.
I have one downstairs with no VIN on it. It has the manufacturer (Maruyasu Industries), the "client part no" (Toyota's 25601-37010), Maruyasu's part number, and a lot number.
Well glad we got that figured out. I was not sure but you guys got to the bottom of it. Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus Home - Pulstar Spark Plugs
Said it like you were though: It's really ok to say things like "I think" or "I'm not sure, but" when you're not sure of something, and it lessens the chance of somebody else ending up misinformed.