Hello everyone. Thanks, first of all, for such an informative set of forum discussions. I'm considering buying a Prius Prime and am debating between a 2017 and 2018. From reading the various threads here, it sounds like there is no significant difference between the two model years? In New England, there seem to be a fair number of 2017s with attractive manufacturer incentives (in addition to the federal tax credit and a state tax credit where I live). With regard to the 2017s, should I be concerned about the battery if the car has been basically undriven for quite some time? Thanks in advance!
Lots of good threads here about heat and the traction battery. I would look at the placard for the build date to estimate how much heat it was exposed to. The sun isn’t very high in the sky in New England so the car would be warm for a shorter time than one on a lot in Bakersfield or Phoenix. I think if you can find one you should be OK with a 17.
Have a question about battery display on 2018 prime...blue does not change...green goes down to blue as it discharges, but blue does not move...what is the meaning of the blue area on the battery display?
The green part is the chargeable part through the wall or charging station. The blue portion is the hybrid mode portion. As you drive in electric mode, the green part will deplete. Once it reaches "0%", then the car goes into hybrid mode (like a regular Prius) and thus will blend the gas engine and the hybrid battery and you may start to see the blue move a little bit. The car will try and keep the battery near the blue/green line under normal driving conditions in hybrid mode.
Yes, the blue does move, but the movement is so small you really need to look closely. In my case, that means I take off my glasses and get my face really close to the screen. I think the range is about one pixel below the dividing line to one pixel above it. It's just a couple pixels either way. They had a good idea with the PiP the way the battery display changed to be like the non plugin when the EV range ran out. I imagine someone said, "Hey, that was great! Make sure you don't do it again." The green area is the amount of charge available for EV driving. The blue area is the HV only portion. The green disappears when your SOC percentage on the display (or miles depending on your settings) goes to "--."
Awesome...thanks all for the reply...still learning and trying to digest the encyclopedia of owners guides...no manual can explain like real life users...appreciate everyone's explanations...so good to have this forum...have a great day
==================================================================== Thank you so much for the explanation. Cheers Patrick Stracko Thanks so much for your reply and explanation...very good to know. Take care and stay healthy!
I recall Toyota asking us (Prius Experts) about that and we wanted them to switch it to a regular Prius battery display in HV mode. This is mostly for familiarity for Prius owners. I suspect they didn't do that for the Prime because it might confuse new owners (how come the battery is 1/4 empty then suddenly it changed to a full battery?)