I’m the new owner of a 2019 Prius Prime and At the end of all my research I’ve discovered what an absolute epidemic Catalytic Converter theft has become across the world due to the increase in precious metals prices . As I understand it Gen1-Gen3 cats are more valuable due to how the cats were built back then. While I’m not sure how in demand the Primes cat’s are , I’m not going to trust to idiot thieves to make careful model judgements in the dark of night . I just purchased the MillerCat sheild which is apparently an approved Toyota accessory.Gonna have my dealership install it for about 150 . The Sheild ran me 130 on EBay . I consider 300 dollars to be a small price to pay vs the damage that can be done to the car when they cut them out . I’ve also installed a dash cam which is activated by any sort of movement to the car (when the Jack is dropped for instance) . I plan on installing a an alarm that can detect when the car is being towed . I’m also going to get lug nut locks for my wheels . As far as I’m concerned it’s only a matter of WHEN they come for your Prius and not IF they come. if the dealership will let me in the bay I’ll try to get pictures .
Yeah, Seattle has been hit *bad* by these SOBs. I even got an e-mail from PEMCO (local car insurance company) warning about it and proposing suggestions, including the cat protection. I had my Cat Security ordered as soon as I purchased my Prime, and I got Greg's Japanese Auto to install it within a week. Note: Greg's charged about $150 to install. The Toyota Stealership was quoting $400 (which is absurd for an easy job). I haven't heard of Primes getting cats stolen (it looks different enough from a regular Prius?) but there also just aren't as many of them on the road. Did you get the stickers with your purchase? I'm hoping the thieves see the stickers on my side windows and don't even bother. They often damage other parts of the car in their dash and snatch. I have a Club on my steering wheel. Wouldn't stop a really determined thief of course.
its getting incredibly bad - 300 is most definitely a small price to pay. you can probably find crime maps of all the cat thefts in your area with online websites.
Near-new car, do you have “comprehensive” insurance, and what’s the deductible? I’d weigh “insurancing up”, against the expense/hassle/rattles of shields, plus alarms etcetra, and (as you mentioned): the lower value of more current gen CATs.
I'm torn on installing a cat shield. We're in a safe suburban setting but I am conflicted over the thought of having our beloved PP defiled when on a trip or whatever, which would be beyond aggravating (aaaargh)! Insurance would not protect us from incurring the damage and, furthermore, would be subject to a deductible. The more I roll this around my brain, the better installing a cat shield seems. I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on a MillerCat Stainless Steel shield but want to investigate the lift points/jack inserts and other facets to make it a DYI project (did I mention, I'm a thrifty Scotsman)? I'm also scouring the net to find the best price on said shield.
I pulled the trigger and ordered a Stainless Steel Miller Cat Shield today after finding a 10% off promo code: PRIUSOFFROAD10 (did I mention, I'm a thrifty Scotsman?) I've already got the correct Torx security bits TS-27) for the installation, now just have to noodle out the best/safest way to get the working clearance to scoot under the car without crushing my tired old carcass (probably just lift it with a floor jack and plonk jack stands/ramps appropriately). My catalytic theft paranoia stems from not wanting to wake up at an OshKosh b'Gosh Motel 6 with a vewwy vewwy noisy Prius when the ICE cuts in (eeeeeps, what dat noise?)
My Prime doesn't rattle at all, post-shield installation. Reading other threads and watching installation videos, there's a trick to making sure it does not rattle. Heheh, you found the code for the Prius OffRoad group! My Prime is lifted with that kit, so a smaller person (me) can actually shimmy under the car. I hope the thieves peek under and see the shield glinting, and decide "nope."
I have a 2011 Toyota Prius. I live in the city and local thefts are happening at an alarming rate. The question isn't if I need a shield, but which one: Cat Security or Miller Cat. I've been perusing the posts and there is so much (technical) back and forth about rattling, corrosion, paying extra to get stainless steel lugs/nuts. Some I'm understanding, the rest............no. My question: Which of these two shields to get? I called Toyota directly, and the rep told me since it isn't a Toyota made part, they have no recommendation for me. ( I read in one post here at least that one of these is "Toyota Authorized." (???) despite info given to me by the Toyota rep. to the contrary. I called several dealerships in my area: one stocks Cat Security. One will install whatever sheild I bring in to them. I am not a mechanic; I just want to get a quality shield on quickly, however there seems to be much debate about attaching a shield to the body/frame of the car........... I would appreciate some succinct replies about how to choose between the two. Or does it (really) matter? Sounds like the stainless steel option offered by Miller Cat is worth getting? Thank you.
My fuzzy memory: someone found a dealership that stocked one brand of (aftermarket) shields, so tossed out that term. It's a bit of a leap though; it's not uncommon for Toyota dealerships to offer aftermarket stuff, and I doubt it's vetted/approved by Toyota Corporate. Stuff like rims, roof racks, tinting and so on.