I've been going thru article after article and have yet to find any info on OEM factory installed Trim Level V fog light replacement. Everything I run into is someone retrofitting their Trim I-IV with them. The question I have is my passengers fog light and my passengers yellow marker light both went out on the same day. I'm wondering if it could be a fuse issue... but I have a bad back and laying upside down under a steering wheel isn't as easy as it was 30 years ago. It would seem odd that there would be a fuse for each side lighting (fog and marker)... but then again it seems odd if they both decided to blow on the same day. Anyone else had this issue or is it just a coincidence? I'm even having trouble finding what bulb (if it isn't a fuse) that would replace the factory installed fog light... everyone wants to sell me a LED kit etc... I just want to get my fog lights and marker lights working as they should be. Thanks for any advice.
Is there a page like this in your owner's manual? To my knowledge, there is only one "FOG" fuse for both fog lights, and the marker lights aren't going to be separately fused either. The car's eleven years old. I had to replace both marker lights on mine in the last couple of years.
I don't have the owners manual handy. Thank you at least I know now to get a H11 bulb. I could find the marker bulb type, just not the fog lights.
Having the same problem with the amber marker light on the passenger side. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get to to change it out. I'm guessing it is a "peanut" bulb. I tried removing the coolant overflow reservoir but without draining the tank you really can't get it out of the way. This is a design flaw. These trim lights should not be so difficult to replace. It should be something the owner can do without being a contortionist. If anyone knows a way how to replace this bulb, I would sure appreciate knowing. I refuse to take it to a mechanic or dealership for this. The bulb seems to be there for aesthetic reasons more than functional. Toyota should have just left it out of the design!
I've done it a couple of times; it is difficult, but not impossible. I recall unbolting the coolant reservoir, lifting it out of the way. Not sure if I really had to though: seems like I'd do that, then after about 10 minutes more hand-gymnastics managed to get my fingers on the bulb socket, get it turned and out. Definitely not necessary to drain coolant;. It is the "peanut bulb", same one as the tail license plate lights.