I am not sure if I would plug it in everyday, but what if I plug it in and charge it every tank? What would the mpg be? Thanks!
It would add 20-30 miles of "999.9" mpg to your tank. So it depends on how many miles/gallons your normal tank use is. easy math examples: Lets say you use 10.0 gallons and get 54 mpg, with no EV plug in = 540 miles If you get 570, with 10.0 gallons = 57 mpg If you get 560 = 56 mpg etc
Going off the Prime numbers from Fueleconomy.gov, it would be 55.3mpge. If you want to ignore the energy from the battery, it would be 56.2mpg. 2021 Toyota Prius Prime Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent - Wikipedia
As said above, it only adds ~25 miles of "gas-free" miles on your tank full of "gas-only" miles. For a full tank, it won't change the overall mpg that much. A few mpg better than without charging, as indicated by @MTN and @Trollbait .
I was going to say that if you only charge once per fuel fill-up you shouldn't be buying a Prime. But on reflection, even if you never charge it yourself, I believe it is still a better car than the standard Prius.
And where the OP is located, Prius Prime is cheaper than the standard Prius after rebates and other incentives are applied. Hard to convince anyone to buy a standard Prius unless he/she really needs a flat deck with the ability to store a spare tire under the deck. I think the lowest trim standard Prius still comes with a spare, but all others do not.
Agreeing with above - if the OP is in NY, the rebates/credits offered on a new Prime bring the price down to be much lower than a "regular" Prius and make it a great deal, if they wish to buy a new vehicle. Whether the are even able to plug it in or not, is secondary. It can be used as a hybrid with a large battery, just fine.
We brought our Prime down from the Puget Sound area to the Valley of the Sun in Sept. No charging on trip, still got 60 mpg! Haven't filled the gas tank since we filled it up after we got here! Love it!!
I honestly believe the Prime will handily beat the Prius Liftback in HV MPG. I got 53mpg at 70mph in our Gen 4 Touring (similar to a US Three Touring). A Prime will be closer to 60mpg (a 2019 trip across the Cascades and back and includes 3 full charges netted 65mpg. Around town, 65mpg is possible (starting with now charge) and as high as 75-78mpg if temperature, traffic and terrain are favourable.
Same results here. I've driven my wife's '17 trim 2 and my '17 Prime in HV on the same 40.1-mile round trip route several time. The Prime always gets better mileage.
I agree. I see only ONE reason to opt for the regular Prius over the Prime, and it is a weak reason at that: - considerably larger cargo area However, I call it weak since there is a simple solution when more cargo is needed, which is to just attach a roof box when the 20 cu ft is not enough, like when travelling. However, how many people use the full 20 cu ft on a frequent basis anyway? This capacity is very similar to an average sedan anyway, it is just not a huge cave like Prius has been known since 2004. Price could be another factor, but as others already mentioned, depending where you live, it could actually be CHEAPER with incentives. So definitely a no-brainer for those people... Cheers.
Roof rack is an option, but it is one that comes with an efficiency hit, specially on the highway. Using one also pushes the maintenance schedule into the severe category.
Sure, it would be a small efficiency hit, but for the occasional use (a couple times a year), this would surely be a reasonable trade off, IMO. If it becomes a situation where it is needed frequently, I doubt the extra 6-7 cu ft would be the difference, and perhaps a RAV4 Hybrid/Prime (or Highlander / Sienna) would be a better option for that person.
One charge per tank is going to help you maybe 25 miles per tank. That's roughly 5 percent additional on the gas mileage. If you are like me and charge twice daily. You'll be adding a bit. But I typically do 140-200 miles a day. So the additional is more like getting 650 to the tank.
You'd think but I have noticed locally that roof top boxes are becoming popular with more owners opting to use one (instead of buying a bigger vehicle). Oddly enough, they're mostly on wagons (V60, A4 allroad, older Passat wagons, Golf wagons and Golf AllTracks). Weirdly enough, I haven't seen many (if at all) on Outbacks. There are a few on Prius and Primes. Those on Imprezas are usually ski attachments rather than roof top boxes.