Our Dept. where I work took delivery of three new '04 models. They had three earlier models and so now we have 6 hybrids in our fleet (see pics). Glad they are doing the right thing. Next up...Hybrid parking spaces at our building. Tony.
Looking at that last picture, it is a good thing Manny got Tabasco or he'd be looking for toenails in Plano!
Excellent - I drive thru Plano every day in my Prius heading down to work at TI (when I don't ride the train). Three of the 20 members of the TI Jazz Band (http://www.enerjazz.com/jazz) now have a 2004 Prius. We may well be the most environmentally friendly band in the world. I'll have to get a group shot at rehearsal.
Yes, older model Prius have different wheel design (14")...I think they look similar to European '04 models 15 inchers.
Perhaps, but since Manny kept referring to "getting his Tabasco 9" and named his car Tabasco (plus he IS in Texas!), Tabasco is an appropriate reference. The first Salsa Red I saw up here in late winter, I refereed to as "Road Saltsa Red" 'cause the poor thing was coated.
Tobasco would be more appropriate for the southern Louisiana drivers...but you know, the Texans can steal it too...I'm alright with that. :wink:
Manny (BigBaldCuban) waited huge quantities of time for his Salsa #9 only to find out his dealer was messing with him. Dianne finally managed to get one for him. Through the process, there were suggestions that Manny might get a bit testy with people's toenails if they got their Salsa #9 before he did All in good fun. I REALLY gotta remember to preview my posts late at night! Fixed quote tag and spelling of "Manny"
I saw a Salsa 04 Prius yesterday (Mon 8/16) driving in Plano near the DART rail line at about 4:40pm. I was on the train heading north. Was that texassalsa04 by any chance?
Paul, It was not me...I work at City Hall until 5pm. I do drive by the Parker Road station and the 15th Street Station at times. I have seen one another Salsa Prius in Plano driven by a woman. Other Prius I've seen have been the Silvers. Catch you next time Tony.