Hi! As I have browsed through here I haven’t seen anyone post from Norway. Bought mine 3weeks ago w/ 59,453kms on it. I’m running on 62k kms. It just had it’s IPM recall service and I have felt a difference w/ the smoothness of the engine for 2days already. I’m having a little bit problem w/ the rear left and middle seat belts. When someone sits on the left side, An error pops out w/ an information that the middle seat belt needs to be put on. And lastly, because I missed on the navigation on this. Is it reasonable to have it upgraded w/ Toyota? Price range around $1000 for upgrade. And does the Dr. Prius really help? Here’s a pic of my car.
You can get some nice standalone nav for much less than a thousand which would include free map updates. At least in the US. Some models also have a recording camera system. A Toyota nav would integrate into the head unit but they charge for yearly map updates. or Garmin Dash Cam 66W | Dash Cam
Thank you for your reply. What do you mean, wiring crossed? How do I check it? Thank you for the links that are compatible w/ the 12´V.
Middle seat occupancy sensor is wired to or located under left seat. (And possibly vice versa.) Check wiring harness beneath seats.
congrats and welcome! i know we have at least one other, because we have chatted about electric vehicles. all the best!
The Toyota nav system was outdated when it was brand new — meaning Garmin, Magellan, and Tom Tom were offering superior products. Now your phone will put-perform it. My wife used to travel for work, so GPS was a must-have business tool. A $250 Garmin outperformed the Toyota nav system 100% of the time. (‘13 V wagon). And it gets free map upgrades for life.
^That. I'd replace the head unit before I spent ANY money on a VERY substandard OEM nav system. Your next car will allow you to use either a smart phone or an Apple as your NAV system....so a Garmin might be an inexpensive alternative. @ seatbelts. Are you putting something in the middle seat that's not a person? Trying to be delicate here but is the person who is sitting on the left side....AMERICAN sized (obese.) I see two possibilities that are not wiring related. 1. Very large person activating two sensors.....or...... B. Non-human object in the middle of the rear seat. I would do a little troubleshooting on my own before visiting the Toyota dealer. Even though your automotive consumer protection laws HAVE to be better than ours are, Toyota has a huge problem dealerships here in the new world and part of that corporate culture may bleed over into Norway. I had a problem with my work car when I put work items in the right front seat. The sensor under the seat, which is obviously NOT calibrated to American-sized humans, thought that a human was in the seat. My solution was to just keep the belt clicked all the time. Since no person with shred of compassion would put a human being (American or normal sized) in a Prius's middle rear seat, then you really do not need the sensor. Just click the belt and get on with your life! Good Luck!
Will check it and will update. Thank you. Thank you! We're very satisfied with 7. I call it 7 while my daughter calls her Pearl. I tell my wife if this was an AWD vehicle, this would be the perfect car. Does it mean that I have to mount another device? I will try to look around although I'm skeptical w/ mounting another device. I'm also not sure what is the full capacity of the OEM head unit. What are the inclusions w/n it? About the seatbelts, I just purchased the car so no idea about the history of the car though it has only gone 59k kms (62k kms now). What I have is a car seat on the right side and that's it. When my wife sits on the left side, the middle seat alarms.