Do they sell a shortened charging cable (say 3 feet or 6 feet) long? If not, can one be made? Could be used as second charging cable on trips, etc.
How long's the standard one? Wouldn't MORE reach be advantageous on a road-trip, where outlets might be not as convenient? Not sure. Why shorter, just more compact?
I bought a heavy-duty extension cord to give me a bit more range than the OEM cord. I think it's 3M (10ft.) long and 14ga. Much cheaper than a charging cable.
The original 110VAC charging cable fits with room to spare in the back compartment behind the battery (in front of the rear hatch door). In the 2021 Prius Prime there is a compartment cover that lifts up to expose this storage space. I was even able to add a 30 amp adapter so I could plug in at marinas. If you use that storage space, you won't need another cable.