The Toyota will be way better in built quality, my friend's Tesla 3 has uneven gaps around the tail lights area.
These guys are standing in the snow. One has on a long sleeve shirt, the other a sweatshirt. I feel like a wimp.
We had an uneven gap around the right headlight that was repaired under warranty (adjustment done in service center). Would have bought a Toyota like our prior plug-in Prius, but that cosmetic issue was inconsequential compared to Toyota not being able to offer the BEV we needed, or any for that matter.
400 miles per fill up would nearly be one fill up per month for me. 2 fill ups per month would still be pretty cool. I wish this technology would take off. But as told in here countless times, manufacturing the car and the stations is expensive.
At that amount, the card may not last 5 years for a Mirai owner. After paying out of pocket for a fill up, what car do they ditch it for?
it would be cool to watch both of these vehicles cannonball race across the nation. They just need to find a hydrogen refueling truck fast enough to keep up with the hydrogen car. .