If you buy Chevron gas the Techron is included. I did an experiment with my 2011 after it started using oil past 100K miles. Ran 3 bottles of Techron through in 6 tanks and noticed a substantial reduction in oil burning. Cleaned up the oil control rings I suspect. I was also experimenting with a Valvoline high mileage oil at the time that claimed to recondition valve stem seals to reduce oil seep. That also seemed to work. As always, YMMV.
I throw in a bottle after each oil change (twice a year). Can't say if I notice any effect, but it gives me a little peace of mind (what's left of it ).
Techron is a proven (and harmless) product. Does it do "anything?" In theory, it contains chemicals (detergents/ cleaners) to reduce film build up in gas lines, injectors and carbon in combustion chambers. There are many u-tube videos showing effects and comparisons to other products. Yes, Chevron fuel contains this additive and some say it is good to switch top tier brands of fuel to rotate the fuel additives to maintain a system "cleanliness". FWIW. I use a strong dose of Techron additive before an oil change, running the tank with this additive to empty. Then do the oil change. Is it cost effective and a benefit? That is a great debate. Good luck with your decision.
I run it about 1000 miles before every oil change. If it helps great, if it doesnt then it wont hurt. I can spare 4 bucks an oil change for my peace of mind
Do I use it ? Yes, about twice a year. Does it do anything ? I don't really know but the real "experts" seem to think it does. It does keep me from worrying about searching for a "top tier" gas station though.
I've used it in the past, but not with the last 4 vehicles I've owned. ('06 with 200,000 miles**, 09 with 130,000 miles, 12 with 150,000 miles, and 2020 with 24,000 miles) - just to provide context. None of these have ever had any fuel related problems, despite the fact that I usually use the cheapest fuel that's convenient in a relatively not grungy station. (**) The '06 (Envoy) developed a bit of an idling stumble at 120,000 miles that I corrected with a deep intake cleaning but I also replaced the coil packs after I got misfire code. It's the only thing in this car that would have necessitated a dealer visit for any of my cars for a non-DIY'er besides one fuel sending unit that I just didn't feel like changing myself. It was about $300, and it's the only money that I can remember giving to a dealer for a repair in the last......(thinking)....25 years or so. So....No I no longer use Techron, since I obviously don't need it. All of the gas that I buy already has a pretty good cleaning agent... In fact....up to 10 percent of the gas IS a pretty good cleaning agent. Does it HURT? Nope (IMHO) Does it help? ...your call. Excellent advice about using it just before an oil change. As always. YOUR mileage may vary.