Looks like Mercedes has come back to the realization that Hydrogen is an important alternative to BEV vehicles. GLC running around Germany.
Any actual news about them changing their mind from last year, or is this just an employee taking a company car to get lunch?
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. On the go 24/7. But yes production of the Hybrid hydrogen GLC has been paused. It doesn't mean the end of fuel cell technology from parent company, Daimler, however, as the firm just recently announced a partnership with Volvo to work on fuel cell-powered trucks.
Yes, trucks, but they've shut down the development of cars. I see a DeLorian every once in awhile on my commute, I don't take that as evidence of production starting back up.
Actually there is a company that is selling new Delorians - bought the rights to build and sell. So Mercedes can start right up when needed.