Hey folks, i live in the east Valley suburbs of AZ and could really use help here. I want to avoid being bent over and raped by the stealerships around here. They now want $200.00 or more just to bleed my rear drum brakes after i put new drum pads and cylinders in them. Of course they are chomping at the bit to say the actuator MIGHT be bad so hey, thats THOUSANDS of dollars, and that they told me without even checking the car in... just an "educated guess from someone who writes these cars up all day" Going there feels a lot like running backwards naked through a prison, purposely dropping soap as I go. help a guy out would ya??? May also want to check and see if there is enouogh clearance between the drum and the pads. I smelled a bit of burning yesterday as I test drove it around the neighborhood. Could someone who has done this before please bring techstream laptop/vci cable and help me finish this? Thanks, Anthony Park. PS: In years past, when I was remanning the hybrid battery, there was a guy somewhat local to me who is no longer on the forum it seems. Haven't seen him for a few years but he was an acknowledged expert on these batteries and prii in general. His advice and help was invaluable in the past but I have lost his contact info. If anyone knows who I am on about, PM please with his contact info. Thanks!
Would recommend a 'prius rock' for this situation. Though, if you have a 'min-vci' cable and techsteam, problem solved. 100K maint - 1
My bad, looks like this is called a "brake rock". Hope this image also helps locate the appropriate 'brake inspection' section.
Dealer I bought my 07 from new a big nation wide chain will not bleed the brakes on any G2. I asked 2 years ago. To many actuator failures they tell me. Turns into a real finger pointer I bet so they just stopped doing it. They probably make you sign off on the actuator failing if they do anything brake related to the car. I bet you Steve will have the same discussion with you. On my bought new 07 I have done nothing at all to the brakes. nothing. I'm at 165,000 miles. Stops good. Rotors look perfect.