Hello to All. I have Prius 2010. Last week when I went to start the car, there was no power at all. I did jump start the car and it came up fine, it does show hybrid battery charging/discharging fine. I turned off the car pushing power button. Tried to start and there was no power. I then restarted again with jump start and it started fine. I drove it then for a while above 45-50 mph for 30-45 minutes, came back shuts off. Tried starting it and no power. Called AAA and as per them 12v battery needs replacement. I checked with local dealers and the lowest price I am told, is 210 + tax+ core charge. 80-90$ labor on top of it. Part number is 005442117325. Car is currently shuts off. I watched the instruction online and it seems easy replacement doing myself. My concern is, - Would it affect warranty if we do 12v battery replacement ourselves? It says 18-48 months of warranty covers the replacement cost, but if we do ourselves how it works if the battery goes bad within warranty. Looking to see if anyone has any experience. - Car currently has zero power, do I need to take any special measure or precaution when replacing it? - When purchasing the 12v battery, what other things I should make sure (other than mfg date). I will be picking up from store/dealer. Thank you in advance. Thank you for running this forum.
1) no, it has 2 year replacement, then pro rated 2) no. just be careful not to let the wrench touch ground when removing and replacing the positive cable. if you want to save radio settings or power window setting, you can hook the jump pack to the front jump point, but be aware that the pos cable will always be live. 3) make sure it has a full charge. about 13v
You can have the parts department check the voltage of the battery before you buy it. It should be 12.5v or higher. If it's lower than that, they'll probably charge it for you if you request it. Just install and get back to driving
Thank you very much for the quick response, Bisco. I appreciate it. Thank you very much for the quick response, JC91006. I appreciate it. Thank you very much guys. I'll update back after installation. Stay safe!
Hey Man. Thanks for the quick response. I visited the Toyota dealer today and they showed me Truestart Battery Part number is 005442117325. It has Red cap on position terminal, no cap on ground. Are you referring that when doing install? Battery he showed was not sealed, does it come sealed? By sealed I mean plastic wrapped or unopened? It looked new otherwise. I am wondering how to make sure they are not selling me a used one. Tag says mfg date 1220. Voltage measured fine.
no, it does not come sealed. 12/20 is brand new. what does 'fine' voltage mean? a new battery fully charged should read almost 13 volts
You might already know this but just in case When removing old battery: Disconnect Negative Lead from terminal first then Disconnect Positive Lead from terminal When installing new battery: Connect Positive lead first then Connect Negative lead Having the Negative lead removed from the battery when disconnecting/connecting the Positive lead eliminates the chance of shorting the battery if you accidentally touch a ground point with your wrench. Sorry if this is obvious information but I have seen lots of people who think the order does not matter (until of course, the sparks fly!). Rich
Obvious info, but have you seen the posts of people here saying they jumped their vehicle with polarity reversed? They sure wished this stumbled upon the info.
Thank you very much, Bisco. Voltage was around 12.8 V. Sorry for any stupid questions Thank you very much, RichG. I'll follow that. 12.8V