Prius back seat/comfort questions for adults and babies...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by mikeslavis, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. mikeslavis

    mikeslavis New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
    Canandaigua, NY (Near Rochester)
    My wife and I have seen a Prius in person only once for a just brief amount of time while it was parked. She was able to spend a few minutes in the back seat. She's concerned about the comfort level for the back seat passengers, especially on a long trip. Does anyone have experience with riding in the rear seat? How about three across in the back? Also, we're trying to figure out if we can fit two car seats (Britax Marathon-style) and one adult in the back. Looks to be a very tight squeeze, any experience here too? Thanks in advance.

    P.S. I will post this to at least 1 other Prius board because membership may be different.
    Some background:

    We have had a Prius on order since May but are having 2nd thoughts now due to its size. We have a 7-month old, and are planning on another baby. We also have 2 smallish dogs (Cardigan Welsh Corgi) and want a vehicle that will carry at least the 4 humans and 2 dogs "comfortably" and safely. We're hoping our 2 dog crates will fit behind the rear seat in the hatch no dealers have the Prius in stock, we don't know if that will work either.

    Our other top pick is the Toyota Sienna. It offers seating for 7, will handle 4 humans and 2 dogs no problem and has all the Prius safety features, plus a bigger size and AWD which may equate to better survivability in an accident. The downsides are increased cost (~ $5,000) , worse MPG (18/24), not-so-cool features (No HID headlights/SE/SS/NAV) and worse for the environment (although I don't know by how much) compared to the Prius.

    Thanks again!

    [email protected]
  2. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Somewhere in these posts are dimensions for the interior, including the cargo area. The lower ceiling in the back intrudes into the cargo area and I doubt you would get two dog crates in there, although you could carry two small dogs without crates.
    The rear seat offers more leg room than I have seen in any car since the 50's, in my price range anyway. I am 6ft 2in tall. Headroom in the back for tall folks like me is tight, although not uncomfortable. I have never ridden in the back seat of a Prius, but the seats seem comfortable enough just sitting in them. I think the interior would be large enough for two adults and a child in the back seat, but pretty tight for three adults in back. My sister has a 2004 Camry; her car is signifcantly wider in back than mine, but I have more legroom in back. Depdending on the girth of the third adult, you might get two baby seats and an adult in back.
    You could probably make do with the Prius for a while, but it sounds like your family is getting bigger and the car, of course, isn't. You might end up in a Sienna after all; not a bad second choice given your needs.
    During my lunch hour, I'll go down and measure the back seat and the cargo deck area of my Prius and post results, in case you can't find the info. You can also try a Google search on "2004 Prius interior dimensions"; seems to me I remember seeing such info on the web.
    p.s. given the huge demand for the Prius, you could keep your spot on the waiting list and, when you get the car, try it . If you don't like it you can easily sell it for what you paid for it.
  3. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Re: Prius back seat/comfort questions for adults and babies.

    Rent one from Enterprise for a day or week. Or post your location. You might be near someone on the board with a Prius and they would be happy to let you look through it more closely.
    I think not unless you are talking a drive to the local restaraunt, rather than a 3 hour trip. My neighbor has 2 in car seats and a small! 10 Y/O, it was a squeeze. Car seats are just too bulky.
    Rent one :) Realistically, if this is your only vehicle, it isn't a prime choice with very young children and the junk you need to carry if you travel somewhere plus 2 dogs in crates. I imagine the crates would fit in the back but you get 16.1 cu ft (I presume that means packed to the rear glass and the storage bin over the spare). How big are the crates? 12x12x24" maybe? You won't be able to pack stuff all around them thus smothering the poor dogs. Of course, while the kids are small, the crates might fit on the floor under their feet :) If you don't do the portable crib, double stroller plus baby backpack thing, you might be fine.
    Frankly, with all Prii having traction control and some models with VSC, I doubt AWD will be any advantage in an emergency situation. It's main value is in slow starts on slippery surfaces since you have 4 drive wheels instead of two. We see more 4x4s off the road in the winter than we do 2WD. The drivers seem to have some inaccurate "I've got 4x4 so I won't slide" mentality.
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I can, barely, wedge 2 upright/forward facing + 1 infant/rear facing car seat in the back. You 'could' wedge a small adult in for a very short trip, not comfortably. I also doubt 3 adults in the back seat would be comfortable on a long trip unless they're very small and very friendly.

    If those are critical criterion I would not suggest the Prius.
  5. mikeslavis

    mikeslavis New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
    Canandaigua, NY (Near Rochester)

    Bob, thanks for checking your measurements. I just measured our crates...they are identical and measure:

    20.5" tall
    21.5" wide
    27.5" deep

    for all intents and purposes they can be treated like a "box"-shape, althought they're really kind of like"

    / \
    \ /

    shaped. We did our best job trying to judge based on the parked car we saw, and it looks like they might fit, but it'll be tight, so we're not sure. We were worried about a couple things: 1) the slope of the hatch and 2) the placement (height from the floor) of the cargo area cover.

    bruceha_2000, thanks for the information. I may check into the rental thing, do you know who might have them? I am located in Canandaigua, NY, which is in the Finger Lakes region, outside of Rochester. If anyone is willing to "show off" their Prius for me, let me know, it would be greatly appreciated!! :D Does your neighbor with the 2 car seats plus 10-year old drive a Prius? If so, at least that means it's *possible*.

    Based on feedback so far, it looks like the Prius may be a little small for our needs, but I'm not going to write it off yet...if anyone else has any input, please let me know.

    Thanks again for the responses,

    [email protected]
  6. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Re: Thanks!

    The dimensions of the rear cargo deck:
    From the forward most part of the deck where it meets the rear seat, to the bottom of the trunk lid: 35 inches
    The height of the trunk, straight vertical from the inside roofline, touching the rear seat back, to the floor: 23 inches
    From that point on the floor to the rear hatch: 26 inches. The rear seat back slopes towards the hatch, obviously, so the distance from the hatch to the base of the rear seat is longer than the distance from the hatch to the top of the rear seat; about five inches difference.
    At the rear of the cargo area,the distance from the floor to the hatch, vertically: 17inches.
    At the hatch sill, the cargo area is 38 inches wide.
    I work with AutoCad. I drew out the dimensions of the cargo area then made a box the size of your crates. You can fit one box into the cargo area, but not both, unless you fold down half of the split rear seat. Since you planned to carry two kids and an adult in the back seat at the same time you were carrying the two crates it looks like you'll have to go with the Sienna. You can draw out these measurements yourself using graph paper just to cross check what I did.
    Hope this helps you decide.
  7. mikeslavis

    mikeslavis New Member

    Aug 13, 2004
    Canandaigua, NY (Near Rochester)


    Thanks for doing that (including the AutoCAD checkup). While it still sounds like the Prius may be too small, we still have a few things to consider:

    1) We could buy slightly smaller crates for our pooches. Cardigan Welsh Corgis are long, but not very tall. Possibly we can find crates available that are just as long as the ones we currently have, but not quite as tall, allowing two to sit side-by-side in the Cargo area (I'm getting from your message that height of the current crates is the problem by the hatch - we were afraid of that).

    2) We could go crateless, maybe putting in one of those steel-mesh grates back there and let the 2 dogs "loose" in the Cargo area. We previously didn't do this because we always thought it would be "safer" to have the dogs in their crates rather than loose, but I'm sure there are arguments both ways on that so I'll have to do some "research" on it.

    3) Regardless of the dog crate issue, it sounds like the general consensus so far is that the Prius will be too small for 2 adults, 2 kids and 2 dogs, because we won't have any room for anything else. I guess I figured that for those really longs trips, we could get an external carrier for the roof and haul gear that way. The advantage would be that for the 50%+ times were not ALL traveling in the Prius we'd get the MPG and environmental benefits and when we need to travel MPG would take a hit due to an external carrier (which, I suppose, could be easy or difficult to put on - more "research" needed).

    4) We are both concerned that even with the Prius handling all this live cargo, with possible luggage external, that it still won't be "safer" for us all inside than a larger minivan. It's the "bigger is safer" mentality which nags at me that in a bigger vehicle with more "air" between the passengers and the bordering sheetmetal you're safer.

    5) To clarify the 2 car seats plus adult in the rear seat thing, our current daughter HATES being in the car seat and my wife has to sit in the back with her to keep her from going ballistic. We're trying to plan for the eventuality that our 2nd kid may be the same way. The car seat is REAR-Facing right now, so trying to soothe her from the front seat doesn't really work. The bottom line there is that I'm hoping once the rear-facing is over (at somewhere around baby size = 25 pounds, I think) having my wife in the front seat can happen again (unless the 2nd baby needs her attention this way since his/her car seat will be rear-facing for a while. :D Yeesh, trying to plan for all this can drive you crazy. So, we'd possibly have 1 adult in the front (me) plus 2 babies and my wife in the back with no one in the passenger seat until both babies were front-facing and both adults moved back to the front. This is also a situation I don't know improved on the Sienna, because the AWD version is 7-passenger with captain-style chairs in the 2nd row and a bench in the third. I think my wife would have the same size problems in the 3rd row of the Sienna as she would in the Prius rear seat and the 2nd row it isn't even an option...

    Soooooo, we're still trying to figure out for ourselves where our priorities lie in this matter, but it's very good to have the feedback of real Prius owners to bounce ideas against...

    Thanks again,

    [email protected]
  8. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    i think you need something at least the size of a highlander, if not the sienna. the prius is fine for 2 adults in the back but there is NO WAY anything bigger than a chihuahua carrier is going behind that (well, that's a slight exaggeration but with my back seats up for seating, a small portable cooler and my golf shoes in their box pretty much take up the cargo area)

    we had a van until i bought this prius. i only felt i could because our kids are now 17 and 19 and have their own cars. because it's not just the kids and their car seats and the dogs. for the next few years, add in diaper bags, a bag of toys or other kiddie entertainment, possibly even a portable playpen or other such amenities.

    then it's soccer/baseball/whatever time, and you need to be able to bring everybody along plus their stuff.

    if we still had to do that, we would still have at least one larger car. i realize this post gave no specifics, but still i think it's practical info.
  9. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
    I'm 6'2" tall, and I cannot even get into the back seat. My head bashes into the roof of the car before my back hits the seat cushion.
  10. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Re: Hmmm

  11. Stuffer

    Stuffer New Member

    Aug 14, 2004

    Sounds like we've got very similar situations. Like you, we were on the fence between the Toyota Sienna and Prius, preferring the Prius but knowing kid hauling space was a major factor.

    With that in mind, my wife brought the kids and car seats (one booster and a front-facing) along to test drives of both the Sienna and the Prius. Since my wife always seems to get the "pleasure" of riding in the back with the kids when a 3rd adult is in the car, she made a point of riding in the back with the kids during the test drives. We were looking at the 8-passenger Sienna, which obviously has tons of space is a great all-around vehicle.

    We were worried about the Prius being eliminated by the "3-in-back" test, but it fared better than expected. It was a little tight, but she fit -- not too much tighter than our Nissan Maxima. As others have said, the rear legroom is exceptional, but the sloping roofline makes rear headroom no place for a 6+footer. (I'm 6'4" and could never sit back there.) We don't have dogs to haul as you do, but often haul lots of stuff and were pleased with the hatchback room.

    Availability was going to be the deciding factor, and we would have probably have bought a Sienna if dealers had the color/model we wanted. (they're in somewhat short supply, too). So when we we were lucky enough to find a relatively short wait list for the Prius, we decided to sacrifice some comfort and hauling room for the Prius' gas mileage, enviro-friendliness and cool factor. I figure we can live with be a little cramped until the the ideal solution comes along (maybe hybrid Sienna in a few years..)

    Good luck to you in your decision.
  12. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i had 3 teenage girls in the back with band instruments and backpacks and gymbags and there was no storage problem. ( there were no tubas...)

    but in your case. the car is plenty big enough for 4 people and two dogs. BUT where you gonna put the luggage?? unless you decide on a roof rack, you wont have room for the luggage.

    i definitely would recommend a bigger car. but keep in mind, as Bob mentioned, bigger is not better and most SUV's fare FAR WORSE than the Prius is nearly every kind of collision.
  13. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Re: Prius back seat/comfort questions for adults and babies.

  14. LeVautRien

    LeVautRien Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    New Orleans
    2004 Prius
    Thanks, that even helps me out! :mrgreen:
  15. KathyY

    KathyY Member

    Dec 3, 2003
    My son who is about 6'5" and over 250 pounds sits in the back seat regularly without complaints. The back of my seat shows signs of his blue jeans rubbing against it. I have put an Alpha-Omega car seat and a Graco booster in the back seat with my Daughter (kid's mom) squeezed in the middle. It is fine for very short distances but not recommended. I don't think it would work with the Britx seats--it doesn't work in my other daughter's Passat.
  16. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Re: Hmmm

    OK, for the sake of arguement, I am going to try EVERYTHING possible to have the Prius fit your needs :) First, if your wife does end up in the back with 2 car seats, I hope she is a lot closer to 100 pounds than 200 :)

    How about a soft sided crate? I have one for the cat and have seen all sizes. They may not have the weight bearing needed to carry a Corgi (I don't know) but they can squeeze where the dogs aren't. If the crates are just for sleeping and car travel and the dogs can walk everywhere, this could work. Also, depending on how tall you are (ie. how far back the driver's seat is) and how tall your wife is, you might easily have 1 dog on the rear floor (as I suggested before, maybe someone could measure) with your wife and daughter in the back. Also consider cargo and Corgi could ride the shotgun seat/floor since your wife is in back. When you originally posted 1 adult in the back, I assumed 3 adults , 2 kids and 2 crates.
    Mileage hit, sure. As bad as the Sienna, not hardly :) I don't have one (yet, 'cause I have no Prius) but I think an external carrier, such as the ones that mount in the eCoastal hitch, are pretty easy to mount/dismount. I wouldn't worry about that.
    AHA! A solution. Trade in the "current" daughter for a more mellow model :) You will find (at least we did) that as they get older, and get to face front, they deal better with the car seats. Also, by the time #2 comes along, #1 will be interesting and Mom can sit up front, at least most of the time.
    Just don't have twins, that will screw my whole plan here ;-)
    As I said, Enterprise Rent a Car has them here and people in other areas have said Enterprise has them. Must be one near you? My neighbor is renting from Enterprise as he is currently working far enough from his office that his employer pays for either mileage or rental. I think most of the time, it is a single person car.
  17. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Me too.
  18. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    hmmm i would think that putting a young child in the 3rd row would force stops for child care things that inevitably come up at the most inoportune times
  19. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I this home Newf must be free to roam, spread slime and hair everywhere. Sasha fits nicely in the rear with one or two seats down so she can annoy the folks in the front and get bones at the bank. The Prius is officially approved by the reining Empress of the Universe as satiable Giant breed car. Crates, Crates, we don't need no stinking crates. Big Dogs rule.
  20. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    There is a weight sensor on the passenger seat that notifies a passenger to fasten their seatbelt. I think it would get triggered even if Paris Hilton sat in the passenger seat.

    If you end up with the Prius, I believe there's a defeat documented here on PriusChat somewhere. Best of luck with your decision!