Well, as close as I think is possible without major changes. Several screen protectors for the 11.6" screen claim to be anti-glare. I suppose they base that on the one percent reduction they manage. I tried one and the only way I saw any difference was that removing it made the glare a teeny tiny itty bitty bit worse. Barely noticeable. A total waste of time and money. I got this one that's for a laptop and cut it to fit. It finally got a serious test the other evening with the sun getting very low behind us. The bottom right part would have been blinding w/o the protector. With it, that part of the screen was just white and unreadable, not painful like a welder.
Would you mind sharing a link to the laptop screen protector you used? And how did you cut it with any kind of precision?
Here's the product. For cutting, I held it up to the screen so the bottom and one side were lined up. Then I used a fine tip sharpie to mark the other two corners. A straight edge to mark the cuts. Then I just cut slowly and carefully with scissors. Note that it's virtually impossible to get it aligned perfectly, so don't trim it too close to the edges. Leave some space for alignment error.
The link is in the post. I'll post it again. If you can't see it, maybe your ad blocker won't allow it. Edit: Sorry Jerry, you're faster than I am. lol
LOL! I didn't even look back to see if I had put it in the original post. +1 on the ad blocker. Happens here all the time.
Can you post a picture of the link or product? This isn't getting through my ad filters, and I can't easily find the blocked domain amidst the javascropt.
Not sure I understand the question. After cutting it to fit, I peeled off the backing and stuck it to the screen. That's what you do with screen protectors. As to the other question, it didn't affect brightness much at all. It also didn't affect glare nearly as much as expected. But it sure did make the screen blurry. It threw it away after a few weeks.