I grew up in the Bay Area in the 80's and BMW & Mercedes were everywhere with Honda being the most common competition...
Sausalito if that's correct. Lol is use to see this chick and I met her in 1986. She took me up there at the twin peaks. She told me she works over at the B of America looks like downtown. But she lives in Richmond. I haven't been to her house before. So it all happen in the car. Yes sirrr rieh!
I am trying to remove it and not finding the nuts to the flange to be of low torque .. sprayed some penatrant and used 24v impact driver on its highest setting a few seconds .. no movement ...
well posted this else where but this is the thread that is more appropriate : " just got the cats (OEM) removed .. replaced with new (3rd party)... have sligthly larger pipe diameter and cats are closer to ex. mani .. seems the cat temps are thusly higher (or at least get hotter faster and stay hotter) .. also shorter pipe between the 2 ... (where the O2 sense is) .. seems the engine was breathing a bit better (subtle amount) .. mpg's seemed low then they seemed high .. maybe it was that fill up with shell gas .. i still have leaking tires so that is dragging but so far seems to be running ever so slightly smoother and I imagine it will get better with more on/off cycles as the computer better adjusts ... for an 05 .. (was off road prob. nearly 2 years) .. 14 yrs of use u would expect some smog buildup ...
the cost andof replacing your gen 2 cat (or at least mine) Prius cat costs 175 labor remove old and replace new which was welded (expect 150 to 250) paypal fee near 50 for sale (still awaiting additional fees from main site) over 105 for replacement cat kit over 20 shipping with sig conf (much shopping to get price down) -- each cat with ~1" pipe weighs about 3.5 pounds. (pipes was cut with bandsaw) miscellaneous calls .. driving around for estimates (they all want it on the lift to see if there is bad rust before commiting to price) got 3 or 4 and drove 10 more miles into city for 5 star shop super fast … frustration with waiting at a couple local shops - many shops will not install your parts .. only 'their ' parts ... many frustraiting emails to buyer (who wanted it shipped same day he paid) explaining current happenings and delays for shipping …. -- incidentaly , PP states ' this is not your normal transaction in your history and they are going to hold the money until 1 day after the buyer has received his item' .... -- buyer does not commit fully -- does not respond much to 'is there any reason why you might return the item' -- states ' if they arent oem .. and if they arent 'full' ??