So running through the Walmart oil section I found me some 0W 16 oil for the same price as regular. After doing some research I did not find any information if any one has ever ran it on a gen 2 Prius. I am aware the Prius takes in 5W 30. What I did find is that that 0w 16 is supposed to give you better gas mileage, so I went ahead and took the risk... why not Prius has 240000 miles if engine goes out more of a reason to upgrade. But so far it’s been a week and nothing bad has happened, gas mileage did appear to go up in the city, has not had a chance to get on the highway so we’ll see.
In your area, I doubt there will be a statistically significant increase. While oil flow >> oil pressure and certainly synthetic > conventional, using ultra lightweight oil is ill-advised. Especially in a hot climate.
Does your Prius burn oil? If so, it would be interesting to see how much more it burns with this thin oil. These are tough engines, it should be okay.
I have seen a 2 MPG increase city driving. Weather wise, it’s still cold down we’re I live to see if it’s going to impact the car in a negative way. By then I should be running 5W 30 again since I drive the car 120 miles a day just to go to work and back and will have to be doing another oil change in a month. Me too lol , figured that if the engine would give up I can surely convince my wife to let me get a prime ^^. I have encountered to scenarios when it comes to oil burning on my car. To go to work I have to drive up the Oregon mountain pass on HW 70 back and forth to work. Once in a while I go into a I don’t care mode for the month and I’ll drive with the pedal to the metal up the pass with a surprising top speed of 68 MPH twice a day (going to work and back) lol. When ever I do this I lose about 1 1/2 quart of oil between oil changes. Now if I treat it super nice and stick to the slow lane uphill I’ll hardly lose any oil . In the end it all depends how hard I make the engine work. I’ll do a cylinder compression test on the car one of this days to see how the engine is holding up. But over all Toyota makes awesome engines.
That is nearly a 4% increase, well and truly above and verified gains by doing same and therefore not attributable to it.