I wanted to share my set up. Purchased the Toyota branded cross bars on eBay. Used the 44" Thule AirScreen for wind noise. And then went big on the cargo box with the Thule Motion XL XXL. The only thing that wasn't a perfect fit was the AirScreen. It is made for their AeroBlade bars. The plastic clips were a little big for the Toyota bars and to clip attachment didn't go into the little reservoir where the rubber strip goes. I was able to make it work with some stainless zip ties that keep in tightly in place. I drive from Texas to Wyoming every summer and stay for two weeks. With 3 dogs and a fiancé, I had to find more space. Plus I purchased the donut emergency spare wheel setup so that can go in the cargo box too!
I have the Toyota factory crossbars, not the AeroBlades. But it's not bad. A tiny bit of noise on the highway, but nothing playing music can't fix.
I'm curious what you think your average mpg Loss is when compared to before this installation ? Rob43
Most of my driving is stop and go city driving right now, so it's hard to tell. I wont really know until I leave in a few weeks.
I've got a 2020 Prime. I went with the OEM bars and the Inno Wedge 660 box. 11 cubic ft. It looks nice. It's low profile, and pretty sleek looking. Some wind noise, but not horrible. I haven't tried it with my fairing yet. Mileage is about 64 mpg without the box, and about 55 mpg with the box, going about 70 mph. It's a nice box with enough space for our camping gear, or some luggage. It's actually surprisingly spacious. So far, I really like it.
I'm looking at buying the Thule Airscreen 44" for my OEM rack but was curious about the spacing of the clips. What is the distance from the two furthest clips on the Airscreen? Thule told me each clip is 11" apart, so is it 33"? I just wanna know because I usually have my bike racks near the edge so I don't have to reach far.
Very cool! I wanted to ask - when you open the rear hatch can you open it all the way without touching the box? have you tried setting up the box in a more frontal position (more overhang on windshield) if you do that would the hatch open fully? and also does the overhang have any negative effect on the front? I think it wont matter much for driving and its more of a free sun visor! I never look at the sky anyways when driving