Still figuring out the last minute details all, and thank you so much for any help, but wanted to find out from all of you... When I drive up THIS time to WA it's gonna be with my mom and she can't sit so still for so long without getting up... I figure this will make the trip take a little longer but also it'll give us more oppurtunities to stop and do stuff along the way. Now, we're paying thousands for this move, etc so it has to be relatively cheap, but anyone know of any unique restaurants or anything to stop at along the way up the I-5? All the way from Santa Clarita (Six Flags Magic Mountain) through to where the 5 and 2 meet in Everett... Any help or suggestions would be awesome. (Trips that take us OFF THE 5 are okay as long as it's no more than about 5-10 miles)
hmmm... I-5?? sightseeing?? weeelll...a small detour to the coast near the OR border would yield tons to look at. Redwood Forrest...seals, great coastal scenery...that kinda stuff. if you have never driven up the Ore. coast you need to check it out. vistas where you can see the highway curving around bends for the next 15 miles above a sheer rock cliffs to the ocean 150 feet below. Orcas, sea lions, and seals not to mention BILLIONS of birds...ok maybe the birds arent that good of an idea... but if you ever get the chance to see an eagle dive bomb and take out a sea gull, you will not soon forget the experience. but the drive does take a lot of time. but if you arent in a hurry, you will not regret it... oh... bring LOTS of film. P.S. i am a VERY POOR judge of distance... :roll:
yeah, I meant like "take the I-5 to the __ freeway and go up 6 miles... there's this place that _________" The redwood forest gives me perpetual nightmares. We drove from WA to CA every year to visit family and I would always dream that on this one turn we drove off the edge and died... I'd get it at LEAST 6 times every single year. It;s beautiful but would add SOOOOO much time to the trip and there's points where you're in the middle of nowhere so where would you pee? Can you imagine going through there, total nature buff "Hey there's a Prius... and there's the owner! And he's got his thing hangin out... what's he doing?! Ooooooooo THAT'S what he's doing... I've heard of giving back to nature but JEEZ!"
I concur with DaveinOlyWA . . . it does take lot of time, BUT if you really want an experience you-will-remember-for-the-rest-of-your-life. .. I recommend taking the entire coast route (Highways 1 & 101) all of the way from LA up and around the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and take a ferry across the Puget Sound to Seattle. This is by far THE most scenic drive in the USA. I-5 is an truly an armpit by comparison, except maybe the Mt. Shasta area. Santa Barbara Solvang, a cute Danish village. Pismo Beach San Simeon & Hearst Castle Big Sur Monterey: Cannery Row, Monterey Bay Aquarium, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, and Carmel. Santa Cruz and the Boardwalk San Francisco Golden Gate National Recreation Area (Don’t miss Highway 1 north of San Francisco . . . there is a reason car manufacturers have their cars filmed driving here!) Point Reyes National Seashore Bodega Bay (think Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds) Fort Ross State Historic Park Mendocino. Cute costal town. Fun to walk and shop. Fort Bragg. Great places to eat on the Noyo River harbor. Think very fresh seafood. Redwood National Park. Think THE most beautiful redwood forests anywhere. These are just some of the places to see - and this is just California. Maybe someone else can suggest places in Oregon and Washington. One word of caution: Hold on to that steering wheel tightly along the Oregon coast . . . very windy at times.
OOH, I now see that you HAVE done it and will-remember-it-for-the-rest-of-your-life over and over and over . . . In that case I recommend you stop at all of the rest stops along the way. As for restaurants . . .The Virgin Sturgeon restaurant in Sacramento. Just after you pass through downtown Sacramento on I-5 and cross the American River, take the Garden Highway exit and turn under the freeway . . . about a mile down the road on the left. It is on the Sacramento River. One of a kind, not a chain. Great food.
I've only driven north of San Francisco once and it was SO long ago I don't remember it. But I do know that the draaaagggg from LA to San Francisco on I-5 is soooooo long and boring even at 75 mph or more with the flow of traffic. Last time we drove it, we cut off early on 152 and went through Gilroy just to get off I-5, my wife couldn't take it any more. That's what you get for taking someone used to interstates with forests on both sides to scrub land We took 1 and 101 back south. It took longer but she was MUCH happier. Unless you really are pressed for time and money, give it a few extra days and take the somewhat more scenic routes. Your mom might be able to sit longer if there is a better view out the window ;-) If you love artichokes, and are moving near the beginning of Sept, make sure you go through Castroville between Salinas and Santa Cruz!! Stock up at the farm stands. If you don't love them do it anyway and ship the artichokes to me And please, if you go through Redding, try not to visit my cousin during her shift in the ER
It may be long and boring but it is still the quickest way to get from the Bay Area to Disneyland. I usually drive down in the winter where there is a little more greenery at that time. When I am riding with my sister and brother-in-law, I usually am looking to see the birds in the area or the cloud formations, the other cars around me or get really deep into though, it can be almost meditative driving down. shona
My favorite feature on I-5 in central California was the signs crediting the highway clean-up of certain miles to the nearby *prisons*.
I must put in a PLUG for Pea Soup Andersen's, Santa Nella ( a wide spot in the road) soup is good and ask for Fernando, tell them Robby sent you (might get you lunch or kicked out)... at the Kettleman City exit is an IN and OUT... about an hour north is the Harris Ranch (excelant).. Bob 'Pea Soup' Andersen :mrgreen:
The new Sundial Pedestrian Bridge in Redding is supposed to be an architectural wonder. It looks to be just west of I-5. I don't know if you need to pay the admission fee for the Turtle Bay Exploration Park ($11) to get to the bridge or if the fee is only for the buildings. Check Sundial info for more details.
If you take the 101 up, just before you get to San Luis Obispo take the Madonna Road exit and prepare for a kitsch delight! Take a tour of the garish pink monstrosity which is the Madonna Inn and eat at their coffee shop (the food is actually good). AND don't miss the men's bathroom sure to take your mom in their, it's quite something. I had my boyfriend make sure there was no one in the bathroom and I ran in to take a look at it. There's a waterfall that guys pee into.
Okay I will rephrase that....quickest way by CAR, also lot cheaper esp with three people and a baby...and all the stuff you need with a baby. shona
well the Pacific Coast Highway is very scenic but i still think the North Cascades Highway provides MUCH better views. They are truly breathtaking. and a bit scary. A young lady i took on that drive several years ago just about killed me for taking her up there. keep in mind that if you do take the drive, the highway is only open in the summer time as the winter snows completely shuts the road down for most of the year. but for the 3-4 months that the road is open, that is another trip you will not forget.
If you go up 101 in Oregon let me know. I know of a number of good places to eat on that stretch, places to stay as well. If you come up I-5 stop at Mary McCranks in Centrlia. Great old time road stop on old 99 with home cooked American food that can not be beat.
yes Mary McCranks is a great place. homecooking in a real home. you will notice that just like a real home, all the table cloths for the tables are different. great atmosphere!
Has anyone ever stopped at The Olive Pit in Corning just off of I-5? Every time I have driven past there I have wanted to stop in, but every time, someone is the car wanted to keep going.
If you must stay on I-5, I would suggest the Turtle Bay aquarium in Redding, CA, very cool if you like natural history. Shasta Dam is just north of Redding. They used to give tours of the dam, I don't know if they still do in this day and age of national security. It's the 2nd or 3rd largest dam in the US. A must, is the best book store in the world, Powell's Books is Portland Oregon. I don't remember the exact address but you should be able to get it easy enough. A bit off the interstate, but worth the visit is Mount St. Helens National Monument.
Dave, it's a bit out of the way... more in your neck of the woods and even then not really, but some day we should have a rally and go down to Mount St Helens for a monthly meet. Would get a few more people from Oregon and what not... Only time I've been out that way is when I was a little kid and my parents had a camping club membership thing...
that would be a great place to meet!! bring a picnic lunch and we can do a day hike. there are several there that would be doable. its a bit of a drive even for me... but that is the beauty of the Prius. if you can make it there in one day, you are assured of not having to spend much on gas!!