Steering Wheel Buttons with Android Head Unit

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by darkgiant, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. darkgiant

    darkgiant Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    2013 Prius
    I purchased this Android Head Unit, and so far so good. Everything seems to work (reverse camera, wireless CarPlay, etc...). I however have an issue with getting the steering wheel control buttons working. I contacted the seller and because this is a Chinese head unit, the support isn't that clear. The customer support person said:

    "... when you find the cable on your car which is realtive the steering wheel control, and connect key 1 OR key 2(both ok)"​

    I honestly have no idea what this means, so I was wondering if anyone has any idea what the seller means by key 1 or key 2? I am stumped on this because everything does work otherwise. Unless I need a Canbus even though I have a non-JBL and non-GPS version of the Prius?
  2. prius2010II

    prius2010II Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    2010 Prius
    1. The link you gave is for a RHD unit, your profiles says you live in the US. I assume you just posted wrong link
    2. I think you have a Klyde mfg unit.
    3. Klyde PX4 | PX5 | PX6 head units with MCU CSN2 | CSN2_D | CSN2_8600_D (Android 8/9/10 | XDA Developers Forums is a good place for information including firmware upgrades.
    4. Do your steering wheel controls work with stock features, CD or is the issue limited to car play.
    5. Did you try the steerwingwheel app (spelling is wrong) to learn the button commands. Shouldn't be necessary but worth a shot.
    6. Key 1 refers to the wire which access radio buttons on the steering wheel. Key 2 the blue tooth buttons. There is a sticker on the back of your unit which gives you the wiring color codes. The key 1 and 2 wires should go to a plug, possibly the only wires maybe one other which mates with socket on the factory harness. The wire pins on the plug should obviously match the location of the wiring on the socket. It's possible the vendor sent you the wrong harness. I bought a similar unit on Aliexpress (JBL with canbus) I had to send the vendor a picture of the back of my radio and factory harness. He said there are different harness for my model car.
    I think you either missed a connection or the vendor sent you the wrong cable. It should be plug n play. If you missed that one connection everything but steering wheel control would work..
  3. darkgiant

    darkgiant Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    2013 Prius
    Thank you for the response! Responding accordingly:

    1. I wasn't able to find a LHD unit the seller had listed on Amazon, but they told me to buy the RHD linked version and they would ship a LHD version, which they did (it is a bit messy, but I prefer buying from Amazon rather than Aliexpress or eBay).
    3. This is a good resource to know! I was curious how future updates would work with this unit as the seller was quite vague when I asked, thank you for the link!
    4. The steering wheel controls do not work at all, it cannot be mapped via the Steering Wheel Control app on the Android Head Unit.
    5. I did try the app, unfortunately, none of the buttons were being recognized/mapped.
    6. The seller is suggesting I "cut and spice" based on the KEY 1 and KEY 2 description they gave. Though you are right, this should all be plug and pay, however they are asking for more money if this requires a Canbus, even though my car is a non-JBL and non-GPS version. Perhaps I should insist on the canbus rather than cutting wires? Otherwise, everything does seem to work.
  4. prius2010II

    prius2010II Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    2010 Prius
    1. What year is your Prius?
    2. I'm more then 99% sure you don't need canbus BUT
    3. The vendor may only have the right cable for your car with Canbus
    4. You can send your vendor a picture of the back of your factory radio and factory harness and request the obtain the right harness from the factory, threaten to return the unit.
    5. Ask for the canbus and cable for free as an alternative to returning the unit if they are not willing to get the right cable
    6. If you're happy with you unit and want to go DIY....
    7. I wouldn't splice directly into the factory harness, YMMV
    8. Order something like this from Amazon
    9. Liehuzhekeji Wiring Harness Connector Plug | Fits for Toyota Series You can probably save a few dollars if you go to ebay or aliexpress
    10. If you're lucky it will work plug and play with your unit. Otherwise cut the plug which goes to the steering wheel socket on the harness in the car and splice the appropriate wires from your kunfine harneness
    edited to add: Count the number of pins on your factory harness, maybe 16 or 20. See if you can find a Toyota aftermarket harness with the same. You want a harness that has 3 or 4 large plugs at the other end.
    #4 prius2010II, Feb 4, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  5. Gijs

    Gijs New Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Houten, The Netherlands
    2010 Prius
    "...if anyone has any idea what the seller means by key 1 or key 2? "

    l guess I've got more or less the same challenge. See picture the KEY1 and KEY2 are wires on your Head Unit. You should connect them together and add the 'black wire" coming from the steering wheel butons. steeringwheel line.jpg