They are saying now that it is best to double-mask— surgical mask under a fabric mask. That does make sense to me, but I am hoping this does not go the way of the hand razor or our faces will soon look like Bernie's hands.
I was wearing a fabric facemask while visiting the hospital today (Monday), same as last month (monthly treatment and yes, it has been washed several times since January ). While anouncing to the receptionist I had arrived, she politely asked me to change the fabric mask for a surgical mask (provided by them). No joke just an observation linked to the above...
Not exactly recent, but... The Far Side comic strip by Gary Larson from Tuesday, February 2, 2021 |
This was spotted on Twitter: " 'Once Covid is over' is starting to sound a lot like 'When I win the lottery.' "
While maybe not a Covid joke I read this and laughed till I cried. This link is to a post in another internet forum about High Performance Ford Mustang. Click the link and read the first post in the thread The guy is obviously kidding and look at the response he gets. If you can keep from laughing out loud you have much better self control than me. I'm done with this car! -