Misplaced one of the key fobs for our 2012 Prius v. Anyone know of a source for a replacement? Will it need some kind of reprogramming to my car? Thank goodness we still have the spare. Please advise.Thanks!
Yes, a new fob will need to be programmed to your car. A locksmith or dealer can do it. It's going to be at least several hundred dollars. Shop around though... the range of prices is broad with dealers being at the high end. I was able to do it myself because I have the dealer software (Techstream). If you're computer savy and willing to invest the time, it's a great tool to have.
Yeah replacement keyfobs are stupidly expensive and are dealership exclusive. I had an old '04 Highlander and got quoted $650 for a new reprogrammed fob. It wasn't even a fancy one either.